SVG as a safe format for POETS (and any other needing un-reflowable, but resizable, text design)


I am not a coder, but I take an interest in possible options for poets, when it comes to writing, editing, designing and publishing.

A blog entry on my blog describes a tool for poets, I would very much like to see - an app or application, which will enable the writer to utilize the writing area much like a old typewriter - releasing the platen to write anywhere and on top of writing already made. That SVG can be a fixed area like a fixed size piece of paper, which can then be scaled to fit any screen, makes it a safe format for poets, who under normal circumstances would have their lines reflowed by software. 

There is no way I could make this myself - but having researched the options in EPUB3 and html5 I have come to the conclusion that only SVG would contain the desired result, when it comes to publishing on ebook readers. So, why not produce poetry and other design needy writing directly in SVG? An SVG typewriter?!

Of course, one could produce such layered text in an application using alpha layers, but drawing from 28 years of experience I know that writers will not complicate the creative process by design other that what belongs to the text - too many variables kills the process.

Does anybody know of an application enabling writing/creation directly in SVG?

kenneth krabat

ny bog: Tidens Kælven
Forlagssalg    facebooksalg

cell: +45 2049 4468

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Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2011 11:57:46 UTC