Re: [css3-images] Reconsider 'auto' value for object-fit

Hi everyone,

> Bitmaps in <img> and <object> traditionally behave as 'fill', while SVG does
> not (even without preserveAspectRatio). "respect preserveAspectRatio" below
> is supposed to mean "repsect the preserveAspectRatio rules in the SVG spec
> even if that attribute is absent". Note that 'meet' is the default value for
> preserveAspectRatio, which is like object-fit:contain. If no viewBox is
> provided or can be synthesized, for <object> and <svg> the traditional
> behavior is like object-fit:none; object-position:top left.
> See
> Looking now, it seems that we still don't have interop in this area. IIRC,
> Opera is compliant with the SVG spec. Chrome seems to always use 'fill' for
> img and always cause an iframe-like effect for SVG in object.

Could this be related with recent improvements? WebKit did nicely fix
the annoying SVG bug 48462 [1] through it's underlying bug 10687 [2]
in the latest few months. Anyway, I couldn't "force" it to work by no
combination of "object, svg { overflow:hidden }".

> Firefox is
> more like Opera but disagrees with the no-viewBox case.

I get a consistent result (in the remaining "SVG without viewBox in
object" case, that is) between Firefox 4 nightly and Opera by adding
"overflow:hidden;" to the img/object stylesheet in Firefox...

In sum: could the overflow behavior be underspecified for these
embedding cases? (SVG in image, SVG in object, inline SVG in HTML,
etc.) I recall recent discussion on www-svg regarding at least the
inline use-case.

Helder M. A. Magalhães


Received on Thursday, 27 January 2011 10:30:38 UTC