Re: DOM APIs - XML to SVG parsing

Hi Francis,

> elements and strings. What is needed is a seamless way to take the xml
> element string and plant it as an  svg element in the SVG document.

Humm... Isn't that exactly what Jeff stated in the previous message? I
can only guess the function could be renamed to "xmlstring2dom" to
make it a little more clear. Or maybe I'm missing something...  ;-)

> Similar to Adobe's parseXML() function.

BTW: Batik provides such functionality as well [1]. Maybe the code
snippet could be improved in order to account for this extension?
Something like the following (absolutely untested code!):

function xmlstring2dom(sXML) {
  if(typeof(parseXML == "function"){
      return parseXML(sXML, document);
    } catch(e){
     throw new Error("Error while parsing XML");
     var dXML = ($.browser.msie)?new
ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"):new DOMParser();
     dXML.async = false;
  } catch(e){
     throw new Error("XML Parser could not be instantiated");
     var out;
     if($.browser.msie) out = (dXML.loadXML(sXML))?dXML:false;
     else out = dXML.parseFromString(sXML, "text/xml");
     return out;
  catch(e){ throw new Error("Error parsing XML string"); };

Ah, and the dollar signs hint towards a jQuery or similar dependency
which needs to be addressed before this can be considered fully
generic. :-)



Received on Saturday, 23 January 2010 17:38:42 UTC