Re: [1.2T-LC] i18n comment 7: Only tb-rl (ISSUE-2108, ISSUE-2175)

Hi, Richard-

Richard Ishida wrote (on 10/16/08 3:29 PM):
> The i18n WG believes this satisfies the comment. Thanks.
> We would like to talk more about support for Mongolian in 
> future specs that support vertical text.  Please get back 
> to us when you have some text for review.  Cheers.

Will do, thanks for the offer of assistance on the matter.  FYI, I've
raised it as ISSUE-2175 on SVG 2.0 Core:

I'd like to add many more i18n text examples to the spec, and include
many more tests for it in the test suite, so I hope the I18n and CSS WGs
will work with us more on this.  If we get started early on, we should
have a much better treatment of it in a timely fashion.


Received on Sunday, 2 November 2008 18:00:42 UTC