Re: SVGt1.2: Text Box


allowing the user to communicate via the UA is hardly an add-on,  
rather a very basic requirement.
to require html or script support is not reasonable.

there are quite a number of SVG tools that do not, and may never  
support html.
to require html, merely to support textbox would be somewhat extreme.

Jonathan Chetwynd

+44 (0) 20 7978 1764

On 17 Mar 2008, at 13:59, Andreas Neumann wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

> It does not seem to me to be acceptable to release SVGt1.2 when the
> only means to enter text relies on javascript.
> Most especially given the difficulty in changing matters after a spec
> is released.

A later potential SVG-App or SVG-GUI module would not contradict with  
spec and it wouldn't have to change the existing SVG 1.2 Tiny spec. It
would be an add-on/extension. The current focus of the SVG WG is to
release the SVG 1.2T spec and not making lots of add-ons and never  
the spec. There can always be a later, improved version.

> Supposedly improved ease of implementation is a consideration,
> however the benefits are limited, if the process produces resources
> that are not readily accessible and re-purposable.

Again - SVG can and should be used in conjunction with HTML. It is not
meant as a replacement or duplication of all of HTMLs features. If
something can be accomplished relatively easy in HTML - why not use  

> Please would you consider updating your textbox example?
> It does not appear to be keyboard navigable.

I don't claim that my code is perfect. You may use it and improve it. My
textbox example obviously has some deficiencies, but it still might  
be one
of the most complete SVG textbox examples available.

> no title is provided, according to the specification every standalone
> document should have a title.

yes, will fix it

> the script you provide is relatively long, most especially when
> compared with the ease of use of html textbox.

This is true. Of all SVG widgets I made, the textbox is the most  
and complex one. Also, due to different behavior of UAs where one has to
find workarounds. As an example, not UA behave the same with evt.keyCode
and evt.charCode.

> you'll appreciate that this makes it unlikely that others will follow
> your lead.

ok - but what can I do about it? Either one sacrificies flexibility  
or one
sacrificies ease of use for developers.

> similarly if others do use your code it is important that it is fully
> accessible.

It certainly can improve. And will be improved over time.

> Having said which I am particularly encouraged by your inclusion of
> caret, backspace and string.length features, and will endeavour to
> include them.

good - you will quickly find out that UAs don't behave consistently,  
due to the fact that keyboard handling never was standardized. This  
is the
same issue in HTML btw.


Andreas Neumann
Böschacherstrasse 6, CH-8624 Grüt/Gossau, Switzerland
Email:, Web:
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Received on Monday, 17 March 2008 17:53:36 UTC