Re: [selectors-api] SVG WG Review of Selectors API

Doug Schepers wrote:
> Please add an example such as this one:
> <html xmlns="">
>   <body>
>    <svg xmlns="">
>     <font id="mysvgfont">
>      ...
>     </font>
>    </svg>
>    <font face="Arial">Example</font>
>    <svg:font id="anothersvgfont" xmlns:svg="">
>     ...
>    </svg:font>
>   </body>
> </html>
> Then explain how to use the Selectors API to select only the svg 'font'
> elements 

Can't be done at the moment.  Could be done with NSResolver or similar.

> and how to select only the svg font elements that have a prefix on the element.

Also can't be done (and that will continue to be the case pretty much no 
matter what happens in terms of NSResolver or similar functionality, 
since Selectors knows nothing about the qualifiedName, only the 
namespace and localName).


Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 03:11:58 UTC