SVG in text/html

Hi, SVG Community-

There has been much conversation on the HTML list about if and how to 
extend HTML to include other languages, including SVG.  (SVG and MathML 
were the 2 primary use cases.)  This resulted in a solution by the 
editor for including a subset of SVG which did not necessarily conform 
to the same parsing model as XML (which is the defined parser for SVG). 
  The SVG WG did not want to rush into a decision which might fork the 
language, and disrupt SVG's growing popularity at a critical time.  We 
therefore asked that the current proposal in the HTML5 specification be 
removed while we work on an alternate proposal.

The SVG WG is interested in SVG in text/html, however, and would like to 
hear community feedback about use cases and requirements, as well as any 
technical opinions about how best to integrate SVG into text/html.


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Thursday, 17 April 2008 05:46:13 UTC