Re: SVG1.1 TestSuite 2006-12-13 animate-elem-65 min


Thanks for your suggested wording. I changed the test description 
accordingly and also altered the description of the first 5 rows to 
match the modified wording, avoiding using a point in time instead of a 
duration. Makes sense to me.

I will also watch out for other tests that might use a similar syntax.


Dr. Olaf Hoffmann wrote:

>>Regarding the subtests 6 and 7: I understand that it will be useful for
>>implementors to add your note that the sync-base values will be
>>different from the visible part of the "active duration" or whatever it
>>will be finally called. Regarding the clash in the meaning of "active
>>duration" between the official SMIL definition and the meaning of
>>"active duration" in the description of our subtests 6 and 7 I don't yet
>>have a good solution. Do you have a suggested wording to resolve that
>>Would "visible part of the active duration" instead of just "active
>>duration" work in your opinion?
>Well, this situation is very specific (or academic) - therefore I think
>there is no need for a specific expression, especially to be pedantic:
>for fill freeze there is no visible change at the end of repeatCount ;o)
>The wording in these examples with min and max 
>is in general a little bit bumby and imprecise:
>(0s <= t < 5s) is a point t in a time interval, not a duration.
>(5s <= t < 10s) is related to another time interval with the same
>duration. The duration is in both cases 5s - a number and
>a time unit, no interval. There is no bijective relation between 
>time intervals and durations.
>Therefore maybe something like this is more elegant:
>On the sixth row, the <set> animation has a dur value of 1s, an end
>value of 2s, a repeatCount of 5 and an 8s min attribute value. 
>The active duration resulting from dur, end and repeatCount 
>would be 2s, because this is less than the min value (2s < 8s) 
>the active duration has to be corrected to 8s. Anyway because the 
>fill attribute is set to 'remove' on the <set> animation, this 
>remove is applied at 5s, the end of the repeatCount. 
>Note, that if the end of active duration would have been used as a
>syncbase-value for another animation, the corrected end event at 
>(begin +) min = 8s has to be used. 
>On the seventh row, the <set> animation has a dur value of 1s, an end
>value of 2s, a repeatCount of 5 and an 8s min attribute value. 
>The active duration resulting from dur, end and repeatCount 
>would be 2s, because this is less than the min value (2s < 8s) 
>the active duration has to be corrected to 8s. Because the fill attribute 
>is set to 'freeze' on the <set> animation, the animation is frozen at
>5s, the end of the repeatCount, the <set> applies indefinitely.
>Note, that if the end of active duration would have been used as a
>syncbase-value for another animation, the corrected end event at 
>(begin +) min = 8s has to be used. 
>It is maybe useful to avoid the confusion about time intervals and
>duration in the other examples too, but this is a matter of taste
>or precision, because in the other examples there is only a low
>chance for misunderstandings, if it is not improved.

Andreas Neumann
Institute of Cartography
ETH Zurich
Wolfgang-Paulistrasse 15
CH-8093  Zurich, Switzerland

Phone: ++41-44-633 3031, Fax: ++41-44-633 1153

Received on Friday, 26 January 2007 17:15:45 UTC