Re: [SVGMobile12] Comments: Interactivity

Hello www-svg,

> 13.8
> Specification doesn't say if the user agent should present a visible 
> indication of focus, and if so recommend a highlighting scheme that 
> would work in the wide range of content possible in SVG.

Right, it doesn't. That is because we realize this is substantially
harder for irregularly shaped, multicolored graphics than it is with,
for example, a focus outline around box-model content. Even something
like xor, which is initially promising, fails against a background of a
highly noisy dot pattern.

So - it should, but its hard to test and hard to recommend a default
highlighting scheme or schemes that is universally applicable without
user or author intervention. We chose therefore not to make this a
conformance requirement for Tiny.

In SVG 1.2 Full, we address this by providing a way to style the focus
highlight. This allows content authors to pick a method that will work
well with the type of content they are creating in terms of shape, range
of colors, contrast range and so on.

Please let us know shortly if this response does not address your

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Friday, 11 November 2005 21:02:25 UTC