Re: SVG12: A.7.15 id attribute

Hi Anne,

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> Robin Berjon wrote:
>> Concerning the behaviour of having both attributes with different 
>> values, notably concerning the way they impact the id field on 
>> SVGElement the behaviour has now been specified with the required 
>> precision, with additional details regarding other DOM interactions. 
>> Setting the id field updates both attributes so that they can be kept 
>> in sync.
> Are such things also discussed with the people maintaining - if any - 
> the DOM specification? It would be nice if this was generic for all XML 
> documents that both have one or more attributes of type ID and xml:id set.

There is currently no WG maintaining the Core DOM where this would go, 
but it is hoped that that situation will change soon. Yes this is an 
issue that could affect other specifications, in fact all those that 
have an interface with an 'id' field that points to the ID of a given 
element. I have been considering sending feedback to the DOM IG on this 

> Note that with DOM3 you can basically make any attribute of type ID. 
> (Does it interact with that?)

Yes it does, if an element has multiple ID attributes and its 
language-specific interface has a field exposing its ID, its 
relationship to IDness needs to be clarified.

Robin Berjon
   Research Scientist

Received on Saturday, 21 May 2005 13:41:05 UTC