Re: SVG12: prefetch attribute defaults

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> * Robin Berjon wrote:
>>Since prefetch is a hint from the content author to the implementation, 
>>the absence of that hint or of a detail in that hint simply means that 
>>the user had no intent to specify it and that the implementation is 
>>encouraged to do whatever it thinks is best. Therefore there is no need 
>>for a default value on these attributes as it would be meaningless.
> This does not satisfy me; at the very least the draft needs to state
> explicitly that an implementation must "do whatever it thinks is best"
> if that is so intended.

The draft now says something along those lines. The idea is that by 
default any implementation is free to optimize its download strategy 
regarding the current document or document fragment, and prefetch is 
only a way to suggest better approaches when the content producer knows 
better. Therefore no behaviour is mandated for unspecified attributes.

> But I do not see how that would be acceptable
> either, if SVG's prefetch and SMIL's prefetch element are used in the
> same document, it's highly likely that such differences cause confusion
> and non-compliant implementations, so, please change the draft such
> that there are no such differences; failing that, I might reconsider my
> position if there is explicit feedback from the SYMM and CDF WGs that
> they support such differnces.

We have added a default value of "auto" which matches the text above, is 
on par with SMIL, and can now be specified by masochistic content authors.

Robin Berjon
   Senior Research Scientist

Received on Monday, 13 June 2005 16:13:30 UTC