Re: SVG12: standalone declarations

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

>* Chris Lilley wrote:
>>BH> Dear Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group,
>>BH>   In many examples
>>BH> use standalone="no" in the XML declaration even though most examples do
>>BH> not refer to external markup declarations (most of them in fact do not
>>BH> have a document type declaration). The standalone declaration has thus
>>BH> no meaning and should be removed. Please change the draft accordingly.
>>Yes, I agree that it has zero value and should not be there.
>While I am glad you agree, it seems the Working Group never formally
>addressed my comment and there are still a number of examples that have
>such a standalone declaration.
Can you point me at one of these examples?  I can't find any that 
mention "standalone" at all.  Of course, I am a bit of a thickie.


Received on Thursday, 29 December 2005 06:49:25 UTC