[SVGMobile12], SVGT12-107, WD-SVGMobile12-20050413: Comments on examples

Chris Lilley wrote:
> On Sunday, April 17, 2005, 2:55:32 PM, Dave wrote:


> DH> Sections 7 and 11-17 make a lot of use of the 'id' attribute, mostly in
> DH> example markup.  Should these be changed to 'xml:id' instead?  (I gather
> DH> it will become "best practice" to use xml:id over svg:id.)
> This is true, and you are right, we probably should.

I note that some examples now use 'xml:id', whilst others still use 
'id'.  Appendix D strongly implies the latter has been deprecated.  If 
you agree this is an issue, those still using 'id' are:

   * 5.8.1 Conditional processing overview: systemLanguage.svg
   * 5.9.3 The 'prefetch' element: prefetch02.svg (the 3 'g' elements)
   * 7.7.3 Element Transform Stack
   * 7.7.4 The Current Transform Matrix (both examples)
   * 7.7.5 The ref() transform value (both examples)
   * 12.1.1 Media timeline and document timeline (all four examples)
   * 12.6 Attributes for run-time synchronization: timed-lyrics.svg
   * 13.12.1 Navigation behavior (the 4 line example)
   * 13.12.2 Specifying navigation (whilst navigation.svg uses 'xml:id',
     the explanatory text beneath it still uses 'id')
   * 14.1.1 Overview: 05_07.xml
   * 14.1.4 IRI reference attributes: referencedRect.svg,
     referencedRect2.svg and use.svg
   * 17.4 The 'glyph' element: font01.svg
   * A.2.6 Attribute and Property Access: second example
   * A.4.11 ProgressEvent
   * A.7.3 SVGElementInstance
   * A.7.10 SVGLocatable (all 10 examples)
   * A.7.13 Additional accessing rules
   * A.7.18 EventListenerInitializer2 (both examples)

> DH> Some of the examples have SVG's version attribute set to '1.1' instead
> DH> of version '1.2', which I think is an error.  This happens in sections
> DH> 7.2 (example 07_01.xml), 8.3.1 (08_01.svg), 11.14.1 (solidcolor.svg) and
> DH> 19.4 (23_02.svg).
> Oops, that is an oversight. Thanks.

Thanks for correcting this.

I've seen a few more minor errors, as follows:

12.2 The 'audio' element.  In example media01.svg, the file ouch.ogg is 
presumably an Ogg Vorbis file.  I believe the media type should be 
'application/ogg' rather than 'audio/vorbis'.

15.5 The handler element.  In the SVG 1.1 scripting example, '<rect 
id="#myRect" ... />' should probably be '<rect id="myRect" ... />', i.e. 
without the '#' character.  (The code still works though.)

A.7.3 SVGElementInstance.  In the example code, 
'type="application/ecma"' should instead be 
'type="application/ecmascript"'.  Also, the line starting "Ecma script 
usage..." should instead start "ECMAScript usage..."



Received on Thursday, 8 December 2005 23:05:57 UTC