[SVGT12 Comment] Corrections to wording


Here are some corrections for errors in the wording found in the HTML
version of the document at

3. Data Types

> SVGT supports<color>

Need a space before "<color>". 

4. Document Structure

>     <svg:svg width="4cm" height="8cm" version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny" >
<svg:ellipse cx="2" cy="4" rx="2" ry="1" />

Need a line break in the source before the <elipse> element. 

5. Styling

> SVGT support subsets...

I think that should be "supports"

8. Text

> The path element is not a supported as a child of flowRegion.

I guess that should be "The path element is not supported as a child of

> The rx and ry attributes are not supported on <rect> elements as
children of a 'flowRegion' element

How about "...elements that are children..." or something other than "as". 

> SVG Tiny 1.2 supports the 'editable' attrubute on 'text' elements which
have no element children. 

Should be attribute, not attrubute. 

9. Painting: Filling, Stroking and Marker Symbols

> SVGT support filling and stroking...

Should be "supports". 

> SVGT 1.2 adds support for the following rendering properties:
shape-rendering, text-rendering, and image-rendering. color-rendering was
already supported in SVGT 1.2.

I think you mean "...was already supported in SVGT 1.1.", not 1.2. 

> SVGT 1.2 supports the a subset of the 'vector-effect' property defined
in SVG 1.2.

Should be "SVGT 1.2 supports a subset...". 

17. Animation

> 1. SVGT allows the language features to support animation through
scripting and UDOM are available in SVGT.

This should be rephrased so it doesn't use both "allows" and "are

> SVGT 1.2 supports the 'snapShotTime' attribute as defined the SVG 1.2

Should be "...defined in SVG 1.2". 


Received on Sunday, 12 September 2004 19:35:58 UTC