SVG 1.2 Comment: DOM enhancements


This section would be a lot more readable if each interface definition was 
followed by prose describing the properties and methods instead of having a 
general and incomplete blurb up front.

What are the units for "natural width and height" on SVGVisualMedia?

What happens if getPixel() is called on something that's not a "binary 
(pixel-based) image"?  Are x and y zero-based or 1-based?

What does it mean for an SVGColor object to be "unsigned"?

How is an alpha channel in the image to be handled?  SVGColor doesn't seem to 
handle it.

What are the units for duration on SVGVideo and SVGAudibleMedia?  And wouldn't 
it make more sense to have a single interface that exposes duration?

On which note, multiple inheritance of interfaces (as required, e.g. for 
SVGAnimationElement) isn't possible in all language environments...  It's OK to 
require that any object that implements SVGAnimationElement implement the other 
interfaces too, but demanding that an SVGAnimationElement instance be usable as 
any of the other listed interfaces without language-binding-specific casting is 
not reasonable.  There are various other places in this specification where the 
same requirement is being made, as far as I can see.  I'd like to request that 
they all be changed to the less restrictive requirement that all the interfaces 
involved be implemented.

I'm not sure what the point of the SVGAudio interface is.

I think it would make more sense for getPixel() to throw if a part of the image 
that's not loaded (or that's out of bounds, for that matter) is accessed, 
instead of being specified as maybe returning garbage.  The former is much 
easier to implement interoperably (otherwise, you may have to reverse-engineer 
the exact garbage other implementations return).

Quoting bits of interfaces here is not particularly helpful...  I'd suggest 
simply linking to the full definitions of the SVGImageElement, 
SVGFeImageElement, etc interfaces.


What can I set "phase" to?  What can I set "button" to?  What exactly do these 
various properties do?  This section needs to be significantly fleshed out.


Does a ShapeChange event have to fire for every shape change?  Or can such 
events be coalesced?  More to the point, if script changes a shape, can it 
expect that the ShapeChange event will fire before the DOM call that changed the 
shape returns?

Similar for RenderedBBoxChange.


Received on Thursday, 25 November 2004 06:35:25 UTC