Re: SVG 1.2 Comment: image/svg+xml;charset=""

Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Robin Berjon wrote:
>>>6. The image/svg+xml MIME type should have a "charset" parameter so
>>>that it can be handled consistently whether UAs support that MIME type
>>>directly or just via RFC3023 support.
>>Why oh why? The charset parameter can only be one of superfluous, or in
>>contradiction with the XML content.
> Because otherwise, as I wrote in the comment, content will be handled 
> inconsistenctly based on whether the UA supports the MIME type directly or 
> just via RFC3023 support. (As seen, for example, with the W3C validator.)

So, enforcing a broken behaviour upon SVG to be consistent with systems 
that don't support SVG is a good idea? :)

Robin Berjon

Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2004 13:15:19 UTC