Re: SVG 1.2 Comment: sXBL and element ids

Hi Peter

>Not is sXBL, but likely in XBL2.0. sXBL is meant to be just a first step. 
>You could add your own custom logic for xbl:bind event to do this kind of 
>transformations/connections in script.

Is this the final word?

It would be just a little extension of the sXBL specification, but would 
make things a lot easier in SVG. Look, you could achieve this kind of 
transformation in SVG 1.1 as well, but it's rather tedious scripting.

ralf ...

Ralf Siegel - Freelance Developer
Recommended Listening: Blonde Redhead - Misery Is A Butterfly

Received on Monday, 15 November 2004 22:01:40 UTC