will 'highlight' be external or coincidental with stroke?


will highlight be external or coincidental with stroke?

by this I mean:
some figures or graphics may be bound by a stroke, others will not.
if the user or author is to be allowed to simply alter the stroke-width 
of the highlight via a style sheet this may mean that highlight be 
external to stroke.
otherwise graphics with a stroke will need proportionally larger 
highlights than those without, which leads to complications.

an alternative would be to allow stroke to optionally be bound within 
the fill region, whilst highlight is external to the fill region.


Jonathan Chetwynd
http://www.peepo.co.uk     "It's easy to use"

** http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG12/painting.html  11.18 highlighting

Received on Friday, 12 November 2004 10:37:50 UTC