switch was: SVG WG announces Last Call of SVG 1.2


Would it be possible to extend the use of switch to title and desc?
this would have some significant internationalisation benefits in 
respect of Accessibility.

the 1.1 spec allows for switch in the case of text: 
(an alternative formate might be as used in metadata: <title 
xml:lang="es"> or similar, though this may not avoid the use of a 
switch method.)

a workaround demonstration is available here: 
for various reasons this currently only works in asv afaik.
eg title text is displayed in a tooltip, or label using the OS language 
if available, it currently defaults to English.

my apologies if:
this has already been dealt with elsewhere, I have not found a 
reference to any changes in the draft.
or if this is too fundamental a change to be adopted for the 1.2 draft.


Jonathan Chetwynd
http://www.peepo.co.uk     "It's easy to use"

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2004 12:07:19 UTC