Re: SVG 1.2 Comment: Detailed last call comments (all chapters)

On 6 Nov 2004, at 01:10, Cameron McCormack wrote:

> Dean Jackson:
>> However, I get your point. This is a major reason why we started
>> work on RCC (replaced by sXBL) a few years ago. We wanted to provide
>> the highest possible level of semantics and accessibility in the
>> document,
>> and use SVG as a display/interaction layer.
> Do you think there will be any work in integrating RDF and XBL?  It
> seems to me (as I mentioned in my other message) that there could be
> some advantage (in terms of richer semantic content) in doing so.

I doubt there will be any such work for sXBL. It's an interesting
thing to consider for XBL 2 though (although I guess what you're
asking for is a model -> XML binding, rather than XML -> XML
binding.... at this point my brain explodes).


Received on Friday, 5 November 2004 14:26:05 UTC