Re: SVG 1.2 Comment: Detailed last call comments (all chapters)

> In any case, using SVG for user interfaces seems like a misuse of SVG,
> since SVG is a graphics language, not a user interface language. A user
> interface language needs to be usable in any context -- high definition
> widescreen video output, low-resolution small screen handheld devices,
> speech-based user agents, braille displays, TVs, to name but a few.

>From the SVG charter:
" This additional work will mean that the graphics in Web documents will be
smaller, faster, more interactive, and be displayable on a wider range of
device resolutions from small mobile devices through office computer
monitors to high resolution printers. "

SVG is intented for "interactive" applications (user interfaces) and also
intented for "a wider range of device resolutions".

Received on Thursday, 4 November 2004 03:04:49 UTC