Re: Validating an SVG Tiny document

On Fri 2004-03-26 Cyril Concolato wrote:
> I am trying to create some SVG Tiny content but I'm not sure if the
> content I create is really compliant with the Tiny Profile. Is there
> somewhere a tool to validate the "tinyness" of my SVGs ? I would be
> interested in a tool that does more than validating the XML but that
> also checks conformance points that are not expressed in the DTD or
> Schema.

An XSD or RNG could check for a lot more than a DTD, using dataypes,
regexen, Schematron, etc.

The best idea might be to list your requirements and suggest that they
be included in the RNG (or offer snippets for inclusion), then use
RNG validators such as xmllint and Jing (xmllint doesn't yet support
Schematron AFAIK).


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Received on Friday, 26 March 2004 17:05:19 UTC