RE: SVG 1.2 Comment: Flowing text and graphics

Hi, Philippe-

Philippe Lhoste
| >>   If not, perhaps you _should_ calculate the shape instead 
| of forcing 
| >> every UA implementor to have code to do so?
| > 
| > There are more users than user agent implementors. And 
| implementation 
| > is not hard.
| Again, that is the problem of hand-coding SVG vs. tool generated one. 
| With a good authoring tool, you can compute unions, 
| intersections, etc. 
| of shapes, so there is no real need of these operations. But 
| for hand-coding, these operations are really useful.

Right, and more compellingly, for dynamically generated content. Most SVG
(by volume, not by file ;) is generated serverside or clientside, either by
transformation, automatic script, or user-reactive script. Thus, it can't be
decided beforehand exactly what the content will be, or what parameters are
needed to be modified (that is, which shapes will need to have union,
intersection, etc. applied to them). Pregenerating that content is
impossible; even if it were possible, it would be a waste of human resources
when computer resources (i.e. viewer support, vs. authoring by hand or tool)
are better suited to the task.


Received on Wednesday, 1 December 2004 15:09:33 UTC