Using SVG for Web Rendering of Complex Graphical Web Material

Dear Sirs, we would like to contribute to the SVG 1.2 community by
introducing a short paper submitted to the Document Engineering 2003
conference in Grenoble, France on investigating SVG's potential of serving
as a Web rendering model for high quality and precision complex Web
material. It is our belief that SVG has the graphical capacity to be used as
a Web presentation mechanism and beyond, provided that logical document
structure information is present. The paper is available in PDF format at
the following URL.

Converted SVGs of the PDF are also available upon request.

We hope the paper would be of interest to the SVG Working Group and please
do not hesitate to contact us should you require further information. Thank
you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,
            Julius Mong

Electronic Publishing Research Group
School of Computer Science and IT
University of Nottingham
United Kingdom

Received on Friday, 21 November 2003 05:11:03 UTC