validating from the commandline


what do you use for validating XML/SVG documents?

URLs and tips for good commandline utilities are appreciated.
I'm on Windows. Java is OK, but it should de fast.
DTD is sufficient, though XSD would be great in addition.

I have been using XML Spy for authoring and validating SVG and other XML
documents, but both version 4.2 and 4.3 erase CDATA sections.

Now I'm using Xerces-C's domcount example. I added


to the system path, then in the directory of the XML document, I enter

    domcount foo.xml

, and get

    foo.xml: 390 ms (90 elems).

This seems to work quite well so far, but the error messages could be
more helpful. They are great in some cases, but sometimes one error
causes many error messages, so that the little commandline window is
jammed; no room for the other errors.
((how) can I scroll inside Window's "DOS prompt?")).



* peace&love.

Received on Friday, 22 March 2002 11:52:01 UTC