Problem with SVG in a hidden table

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On Thu, 06 Sep 2001, wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a problem with accessing (line) objects in an SVG object via the DOM. I'll explain the situation and the problem.
> The situation
> I am displaying an SVG object in a hidden table setting the table style as follows The SVG object contains a graph and a curve. Both the graph and curve are represented using SVG line objects.
> The problem
> I am not able to access the line objects in the SVG object while it is hidden in the table. The following calls are made to retrieve the curve.
> var svgDoc = document.svgObject.getSVGDocument()        <---------- This call returns the SVG Document.
> var svgCurveObj = svgDoc.getElementById("Curve")        <---------- This call returns null.
> After experimenting to find what the problem is, I saw that the curve object is accessible from the DOM if the SVG object is not hidden i.e. I put it in the BODY.
> My question is: Why is it not possible to retrieve objects in the SVG object using the DOM when the SVG object is hidden?
> Thank you for any assistance you can provide in this matter,
> Andy Moss
> Philips Communication, Security & Imaging
> Software Development Team
> Kapittelweg 10,  4827 HG   BREDA
> P.O. Box 90106, 4800 RA   BREDA
> The Netherlands
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Received on Thursday, 6 September 2001 09:59:46 UTC