Re: Corrections to Recommendation

Thanks for the report.

At 12:55 PM 8/25/01 -0500, J. David Eisenberg wrote:
>Section 15.7.3
>"'feImage'  scales the referenced image to fit exactly into the subregion
>specified by x, y, width and height."
>   This appears to be the case if feImage references a JPG or PNG;
>   if it references a <g>, it doesn't seem to scale, at least not in Batik.
>   If you adjust the width and height in the following example, the
>   picture scales, but the circle doesn't. (Use your favorite picture
>   for pic.jpg) Is the spec wrong, or is Batik?

I believe this part of the specification did not get updated along with 
other parts of the specification as the SVG working group worked out the 
functional details of the various elements.

The overriding general rule is that when feImage references an SVG element, 
then it is supposed to act like a <use>, which I believe would mean that 
the <g> does *not* scale to fit.

I'll make sure that the SVG working group studies this one carefully before 
the SVG 1.0 Recommendation is posted.

>    <defs>
>    <filter id="test-feImage-filter" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox"
>        x="-10%" y="-10%" width="120%" height="150%">
>        <feImage xlink:href="#round" result="output1"
>            x="0" y="0"/>
>        <feImage xlink:href="pic.jpg" result="output2"
>            x="0" y="0"/>
>        <feMerge>
>            <feMergeNode in="output2"/>
>            <feMergeNode in="output1"/>
>            <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/>
>        </feMerge>
>    </filter>
>    <circle id="round" cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="#ffc" stroke="black"/>
>    </defs>
>    <g id="test" filter="url(#test-feImage-filter)">
>        <rect x="10" y="10" width="100" height="100"
>            stroke="red" fill="none"/>
>    </g>
>    </svg>
>And now, Mr. Grammar Queen simply has to comment on this one:
>"'feTile'  references a previous filter primitive and then stitches
>the tiles together based on the x, y, width and height values of
>the referenced filter primitive in order to fill it's own filter
>primitive subregion."
>    Please get rid of the apostrophe in "it's".

Will do.

Jon Ferraiolo
SVG 1.0 Editor

>J. David Eisenberg

Received on Saturday, 25 August 2001 18:27:24 UTC