Re: xml to svg using xslt


"How can I use xslt to convert xml to svg?" 

By XML above, I am assuming you mean an arbitrary instance based on XML
syntax. XSLT Specification provides an example (which will need to be tuned 
a bit) in Appendix D.

"It seems to come out as text or html and not an svg mimi type."

There could be several possibilities:

1. The output depends on the XSLT style sheet; so you should make sure that
it (including attributes for XPath expressions) corresponds to SVG and not
to other formats.

2. If a server is being used, it is also possible that your MIME-types file (e.g., 
.mime.types in Unix) may not be configured to serve SVG. 

3. If the transformation is being done on the client, make sure you are NOT 
using an older implementation of XSLT else it may render the markup directly. 
For example, with IE5, you will need to install the separately available MSXML 
SDK (MSXML3) to override the one that is shipped with the browser.

Hope this helps.

Pankaj Kamthan

Received on Wednesday, 31 May 2000 13:46:51 UTC