path animation

My paths don't move.
Your help would be very appreciated!
(I'm using NN with adobeSVGviewer 1.0x73)
This nice pink something for example neither does move
nor change it's shape:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20000303
<svg width="1200" height="400" viewBox="0 0 1200 400">
<desc>path animation</desc>
d="M25.966 219.21
c-15.847 -52.671 -13.658 -137.563 44.591 -173.409
60.227 -37.064 152.521 -17.454 180.841 39.636
40.098 80.833 -26.429 220.736 -110.239 237.818
-49.63 10.116 -101.455 -58.383 -115.193 -104.045 z">
 <animate attributeName="d" attributeType="XML"
 begin="0s" dur="2s"
 from="M25.966 219.21
 c-15.847 -52.671 -13.658 -137.563 44.591 -173.409
 60.227 -37.064 152.521 -17.454 180.841 39.636
 40.098 80.833 -26.429 220.736 -110.239 237.818
 -49.63 10.116 -101.455 -58.383 -115.193 -104.045 z"
 to="M25.523 266.415
 c-15.847 -52.671 96.581 -184.631 154.83 -220.477
 60.227 -37.064 179.771 -1.352 208.091 55.739
 40.098 80.833 50.784 230.386 -107.761 245.25
 -50.43 4.728 -241.42 -34.849 -255.159 -80.511 z" />

Tobias Reif

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