Re: comments on Exchange SVG form

Thierry Kormann wrote:
> Hi,
> "One of the arguments for final form is that there are some graphics which
> need to be treated as atomic, and not perturbed e.g. by downstream
> application of style rules."
> If you need to be sure that the style won't change, you may simply
> create a CSS rule with a selector using a specific ID. The user won't
> be able to change your color or font family.

I disagree. The user will still be able to change the color.

Imagine an author style sheet containing:

#myid { fill:red }  (1)

for an svg document like this:

  <rect id="myid" .... />

It is still possible to have a blue 'rect' even with the ID selector on
it. For example just by having a user style sheet containing:

svg #myid { fill:blue } (2)

because (1) has a 100 specificity and (2) has a 101 specificity.

It is also certainly possible by using the !important rules which
reverses the user/author style sheet priority...


Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2000 12:25:00 UTC