Re: SVG MIME types

> Hi All

I was haven't this same problem in that couldn't get files
on a server to work with the file being embeded. I solved this
problem by adding the mime type into the directory where the
html page with the embeded svg file was. Here is the info that
was sent to me by Pair Network.

Web Server Configuration Tricks

   *    The Apache web server allows for great flexibility as to the configuration of your account --
   *    allowing you to setup your own MIME types, custom error pages, and much more, through
   *    the use of .htaccess files. .htaccess is a special file you can populate with directives that
   *    tell Apache how to control certain aspects of your account. Placed in your main web directory
   *    (full path: /usr/www/users/username), it controls your entire site. You can also place them in
   *    subdirectories, in which case the file will control only files under that subdirectory. The
   *    .htaccess file can be created on the server while logged in via telnet, or created locally and
   *    uploaded in ASCII mode via FTP -- whichever you prefer.
   *    Below are some common tricks used to improve customer web sites:
   * Adding MIME Types
   *    Multimedia files such as Macromedia's Flash may require special "MIME Types" in order to
   *    work properly. In simple terms, MIME types help the server inform the browser what type of
   *    content is being received, so it can load the appropriate plug-ins and such. While we try to
   *    keep the server's preconfigured for all popular MIME Types, Apache's "AddType" directive
   *    offers you the ability to immediately add any to your account that you might need.
   *    For instance, the MIME type for Flash is "application/x-shockwave-flash", and the file
   *    extension Flash files use is .swf. To add this MIME type to your account, the directive would
   *    be:
   *         AddType application/x-shockwave-flash swf
   *    NOTE: The Flash MIME type is actually preconfigured for your use -- it is included here for
   *    example purposes only.

That the adobe plugin doesn't adher to the WCW mime type of image/svg-xml
use this line in the .htaccess file    AddType image/svg svg

Hope that this helps, here is a test side where  I have put a borrowed svg image
into  a  html page
Click on the link there.


> Re: SVG MIME types
> From: Chris Lilley (
> Date: Fri, Apr 14 2000
> *Next message: Dean Jackson: "SVG in Mozilla Project Page"
>    * Previous message: Justin Friedl: "RE: SVG MIME types"
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>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message-ID: <>
> Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 12:24:40 +0200
> From: Chris Lilley <>
> To: Justin Friedl <>
> CC: "''" <>
> Subject: Re: SVG MIME types
> Justin Friedl wrote:
> >
> > The line <% Response.ContentType = "image/svg"%> does get stripped off.
> > if I change the mimiType to "text/xml" the xml can be viewed in IE5 just
> > fine without the extra line, which, I think, means that it is a well formed
> > document?
> What do other xml browsers, such as Netscape 5, do? Just to check that IE
> isn't silently removing the extra line for you, client side.
> > any suggestions?
> Looks like you need to check exactly what and how it gets stripped off - is
> there any character befor ethe < of the xml declaration? A space? a byte
> order mark? To test this, write a small html file:
> <a href="myurl">get it</a>
> and right-click or whatever your browser does to save this to disk.
> Ideally, don't use IE for this task, since it seems prone to rewriting
> documents. Then look ina hex editor or something like that to see
> Its also possible that the Adobe viewer is not a conforming XML parser and
> expects the xml declaration to be  the first thing in the file. I recall
> that other things can be before it - whitespace, comments - so forth -
> perhaps it is not handlingthis correctly.
> > > The svg
> > > view tries to render it but gets the following error in the status bar:
> > > "xml processing instruction not at start of external entity:
> > > line 2, column  0"
> --
> Chris
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    * Next message: Dean Jackson: "SVG in Mozilla Project Page"
>    * Previous message: Justin Friedl: "RE: SVG MIME types"
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Received on Sunday, 16 April 2000 14:17:47 UTC