CSS1.0 Cleanup - magnification

Re the W3C Note: <http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-css-potential>
- Magnification Property

I must be missing something here.

Is this in deference to the lack of reader-level control over pixels
per actual measure? For use in reader stylesheets to make the display
rendering of absolute values conform visually to printed material with
the same measurements? To simplify platform-relative display using

Isn't this is a browser issue? Instead of choosing default point sizes
in some out-of-the-way dialog box, there should be more accessible
text-magnification slider for quick adjustment on a
document-by-document basis.

A reader can't arbitrarily magnify all text, since the reader has no
idea what environment a particular document was authored under.

If relative and percentage measurements and inheritance work per the
CSS1 spec, client-side scripting is unnecessary.

Hopefully, the next generation of UIs will obsolete the need for this
(but I'm not holding my breath).

David Perrell

Received on Sunday, 24 August 1997 19:26:50 UTC