Re: floating images flush bottom

David Perrell <> wrote:

> I want to divide a _paragraph_ into columns.
> P { cols: 2;
>     colspace: 2em }
>             HEADING
> Columns would     a property
> be really cool    as opposed to
> if they were      an element.

Presumably "colspace" is the gutter here.
It's actually more general to give each column an internal left
and right margin, but no matter.

What should happen if the paragraph is longer than a screen?
Do I scroll down to the end of the first column, then scroll
back up to the beginning of the second? I'll start needing
bookmarks within single web pages!  This is the thing I dislike
most about PDF and Acrobat...

Blackbird let you divide your paragraph into columns, but
only down to the bottom of the screen, where there was a Next Screen
button -- and then the two columns begin again.
This is much more readable.

The Netscpae approach is like a book in two columns, where
you read the left column in the entire book, and then go back
and read the right-hand column.  Gets tricky if there are
several columns, although maybe Devid Carson would like it,
and maybe Zuzana Licko (Emigre) has already done it :-)


Received on Thursday, 31 October 1996 02:06:45 UTC