
I'm updateing the CSS draft spec, and need some help on terminology:

- we want to allow specifying the font size as an index, not only a
  physical size. Using numbers seem natural, but keywords should also be
  allowed. The Aug 10 version of the draft suggests:

   smallest | smaller | small | normal | large | larger | largest

  I'm not happy with these since four of them suggest a size relative to
  something else, and it's not clear what that else is.

  Considering "absolute" names, I end up with only five that are clearly

                 tiny | small | normal | large | huge 

  Does anyone see a way out? Preferably without resorting to

- In France, they often write "premier" (the first) as "1er". However,
  they like to raise the position of "er" so that the x-line align
  with the capline of "1". Something a la:


  I'd like to be able to express this in CSS (as a value of the
  text-position property), but need a name for it. Anyone? How much
  is it used in other countries?



Hakon W Lie, W3C/INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France

Received on Tuesday, 26 September 1995 13:05:30 UTC