[CSSWG] Minutes Overflow Breakout 2023-02-15 [css-overflow-3]

   These are the official CSSWG minutes.
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CSS Overflow

   Standardize `overlay` as a synonym for `auto`
   - RESOLVED: overlay is legacy value alias for 'overflow: auto'

   Interaction of object-overflow/view-box with overflow/clip-margin?
   - ACTION: fantasai to draft the magic initial value in overflow-4,
     and leave the issue open and use it to drive future discussions

   Interaction of overflow: clip/hidden and rounded borders
   - RESOLVED: border radius doesn't round the clipping region
               when combining overflow: visible and clip

overflow-clip-margin longhands
github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8381

   fantasai: question is how does the shorthand looks like
   fantasai: one is to use different delimiter as grid
   fantasai: another is to have box then up to four lengths
   fantasai: then /missed/
   fantasai: oriol proposed 1-to-4 lengths-and-box

   fantasai: I prefer oriol proposal, then (2)
   <TabAtkins> I support option 2 (single box keyword, 1-4 lengths)
   TabAtkins: seems to be the one that matches up most cleanly what
              people want to do
   TabAtkins: single keyword and multiple length addresses most cases
   fantasai: (4) allows you to do one keyword but also multiple
   fantasai: full expansion might be unusual but you don't have to use it
   fantasai: and it allows all of them
   astearns: all combinations are allowed in the longhands
   astearns: oriol, are you ok with (2) or wanna argue for (4)
   oriol: no strong opinion, would be fine with (2) or even just
          restricting to 1 keyword + length
   proposal is to start with one keyword, we can always expand if needed
   RESOLVED: Go with (2) for now (single box keyword, 1-4 lengths)

   overflow-clip-margin longhands
   - RESOLVED: Go with (2) for now (single box keyword, 1-4 lengths)


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2023Feb/0006.html
Logs: https://www.w3.org/2023/02/15-css-irc

   Rachel Andrew
   Emilio Cobos Álvarez
   Tab Atkins
   David Baron
   Yehonatan Daniv
   Elika J. Etemad
   Robert Flack
   Simon Fraser
   Alan Stearns
   Miriam Suzanne

Scribe: emilio

CSS Overflow

Standardize `overlay` as a synonym for `auto`
github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8063

   emilio: Was skeptical at first, because I thought only Safari had
           overlay scrollbars
   emilio: but they also have classic scrollbars in OS preferences
   emilio: so I think aliasing to auto is better
   emilio: chrome folks also wanted to do it
   emilio: helpful for compat
   emilio: only annoyance is it doesn't do what it says
   emilio: but we already discussed that tweaking overlay vs non-overlay
           should be user choice, not author choice
   astearns: smfr, anything to add about aliasing 'overflow: overlay'
             to 'overflow: auto' ?
   smfr: I'm in favor. We agree that it should be user choice rather than
         author choice
   smfr: overlay vs non-overlay escaping onto the Web was a mistake

   astearns: Proposed to specify 'overflow: overlay' as alias
   fantasai: legacy value alias?
   emilio: Yeah, I think that would be best
   <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-5/#legacy-name-alias
   <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-5/#value-aliasing
   RESOLVED: overlay is legacy value alias for 'overflow: auto'

Interaction of object-overflow/view-box with overflow/clip-margin?
github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7144

   fantasai: lots of discussion after the OP
   fantasai: we decided to extend overflow to apply to replaced elements
   fantasai: and make their overflow ink other than scrollable
   fantasai: then decided that scrollable overflow values behaved as clip
   fantasai: and host lang defines this
   fantasai: issue is that replaced elements can or not be replaced
             depending on whether they load or not
   fantasai: same for `content: url()`
   fantasai: so you might get alt text clipped or not
   fantasai: so proposed a new initial value
   fantasai: but oriol pointed that that is unfortunate
   fantasai: so proposal is to make the new value remain auto but return
             something else in gCS
   oriol: I think kushal's proposal to handle it with two properties
          looks nice
   fantasai: new initial value or doing different things depending on
             whether the element is replaced or not seems like a
             workaround and it might not be worth it
   fantasai: I have an additional proposal using three properties in the
   fantasai: we'd re-add object-overflow
   fantasai: I think by adding it these interactions / corner-cases can
             be explained by the third property
   fantasai: I think only inconsistency would be svg
   fantasai: which currently aren't clipped but are replaced
   fantasai: but this can be a simple rule in the UA sheet

   dbaron: is the svg behavior consistent between svg-in-document and
   fantasai: svg-as-image definitely clips by default
   dbaron: maybe svg and markup is a different case from images anyways
   fantasai: I think so, I think you might want to apply it to <svg>
             elements in the UA sheet
   dbaron: maybe object-overflow shouldn't apply to svg elements within
           the document
   astearns: so object-overflow was something that was introduced then
   fantasai: yeah we tried to make overflow work instead, but I think
             there are some problems with that
   dbaron: I believe there's some connection to the view-transitions work
           here? Suspect that's why kushal was interested
   <ydaniv> embedded SVG has overflow hidden rule in the UA, and it can
            be overridden

   emilio: Concern with making overflow just work
   emilio: there's other cases where it doesn't create a scrollable
           element, is the concern just backwards compat?
   fantasai: not just that
   fantasai: the problem is that whether an element is replaced or not
             (and thus whether it should clip by default) depends on
             stuff that can't be selected against
   fantasai: so we can't make it just a simple UA sheet rule etc.
   fantasai: and if you use CSS to turn something into a replaced element
             you'd get visible which might not be what authors expect

   emilio: at least for everything but the 'content' case, I think it
           could be addressed with CSS?
   emilio: we have internal pseudo-classes for images that are broken
   emilio: so we could conditionally apply the new overflow value, clip
           vs visible, based on that pseudo element
   emilio: still problematic for 'content' though
   emilio: idk if that's a huge issue? not sure it's used a lot
   emilio: might be able to get away with it
   emilio: authors can set clip themselves
   fantasai: yes, but it's weird if it doesn't clip!
   emilio: you want img/svg/etc to have overflow:clip by default in the
           UA sheet
   emilio: and ... then the weird case is content
   emilio: but could make broken images be visible again using pseudos
   emilio: also, overflow doesn't apply to inline boxes so they'd be
   fantasai: not all images are 'display: inline'

   astearns: so emilio suggests that with the existing properties UA
             sheet could express it
   astearns: but there'd be no author facility for replaced element
   ydaniv: People override overflow on SVG elements
   ydaniv: and it works
   fantasai: I think using a UA sheet might be complicated from an
             author's point
   fantasai: and the other two other alternatives (new initial value or
             splitting into another property) would be easy to understand

   astearns: would it be easy to start with the magic initial value and
             add the new property if that's not sufficient?
   fantasai: we could though it'd be weird to have two different things
             doing the same thing
   oriol: there was also the problem that it's not just about whether
          overflow should clip but also what the initial clipping area is
   oriol: I don't recall how this model was addressing this problem
   oriol: But by adding a third property that'd be more reasonable
   fantasai: agree

   emilio: if we add a magic initial value for 'overflow' and
           'overflow-clip-box' as well
   emilio: but not expose it to content, make the resolved value
           (getComputedStyle) would be the used value
   emilio: wouldn't that basically address the issue, without introducing
           new magic for authors?
   emilio: if authors say 'overflow: visible', that just works
   emilio: then authors don't need to worry about it, and I don't think
           it'd be harder to implement
   emilio: maybe it's harder to understand
   emilio: we don't need a good name for magic auto, because it's not
           exposed to authors
   fantasai: we could just call it 'normal'
   astearns: so the magic is that it's a value that authors don't use and
             never see because gCS lies

   fantasai: so to recap 3 options...
             1. selectors in UA sheet
             2. magic initial value that disappears in gCS
             3. separate properties
   fantasai: I think any could work the questions is what's better

   astearns: kushal seemed fine with the magic value, did they express
             opinion on the extra property?
   astearns: Maybe go back to the issue but restrict to the magic value
             or extra property options?
   emilio: I think the magic value would be nicer for authors
   emilio: things just work as you specify stuff
   emilio: but it may benefit from some experimentation

   fantasai: I think the major thing to consider is "do you as an author
             want to control overflow application independently for a
             single element independent on whether it ends up replaced
             or not"
   fantasai: do I want to set overflow differently depending on whether
             or not it ends up being replaced
   fantasai: let's say I do overflow: auto on an <object> but take the
             same layout space
   fantasai: then the replaced element would get a different value either
   fantasai: if we decide having the values in sync is fine then we can
              do a single property
   fantasai: if not, then we need separate values
   emilio: why is overflow special compared to replaced/non-replaced?
           We could expose that via pseudo-classes
   emilio: that also allows changing any other property
   emilio: If we decide that use case is valuable, we have issues on file
           for exposing whether an image is broken or not etc.
   astearns: My intuition matches Emilio's, wanting to apply different
             things depending on state isn't worth a separate property
             in this case
   astearns: but only lightly in that camp, could go either way

   astearns: So if people want to resolve on having a magic initial value
             and work that through, happy to do that, but maybe better to
             take it back to the issue for these specific questions
   fantasai: I'd be also fine with leaving it open but drafting the
             initial value in overflow-4
   fantasai: and posting a comment on the issue
   astearns: would you volunteer to do that?
   fantasai: yes
   ACTION: fantasai to draft the magic value in overflow-4
   ... and leave the issue open and use it to drive future discussions

Interaction of overflow: clip/hidden and rounded borders
github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7434

   dbaron: I missed oriol's last comment, but I think it's relatively
   dbaron: I noticed that the spec allows overflow to be clip in one axis
           but visible in other axis
   dbaron: which is something that was introduced when clip was introduced
   dbaron: when we introduced clip the question is how it interacts with
           rounding of borders
   dbaron: I thought the simple question is that you clip in one axis but
           not on the other border radius has no effect
   dbaron: oriol posted screenshots, and I'm not sure browsers are doing
           this new clip and visible behavior
   oriol: the behavior in browsers is... webkit has a bug where content
          is not painted... Chromium if it has overflow: visible clip as
          just clip only with non-zero radius
   oriol: so not continuous
   oriol: firefox applies the rounded clip to the bounding rectangle of
          the overflowing content
   oriol: In this particular case it looks kind of nice but it can be
   oriol: I think I'm leaning towards dbaron's proposal
   <fantasai> +1 to dbaron's proposal
   <flackr> +1 to dbaron's proposal, it makes sense that allowing visible
            overflow in the off-axis means there's no rounding
   smfr: I think I agree. The WebKit bug was fixed and now we behave like
         Chromium but I think that's just bugs, I'm ok with dbaron's
   proposed resolution is that when clip and visible are specified,
     border radius doesn't cause rounded clipping of the contents

   emilio: what if some corners have no radius and others do?
   dbaron: we're not talking about whether border-radius has an effect,
           but whether it clips the contents
   dbaron: border-radius with overflow: visible has an effect but doesn't
   dbaron: my argument is that if you're not clipping in one axis you
           shouldn't clip to the border radius
   smfr: so basically everything should render as the first Firefox
         screenshot right?
   smfr: is that right if there's no content to clip?
   smfr: I'd like to see a test-case with something that overflows only
         on one side but doesn't fill the content box
   dbaron: I don't think any engine does what the spec says to me
   dbaron: oh wait, FF does it

   dbaron: I'll paste a modified test-case in the issue
   dbaron: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7434#issuecomment-1431669370
   dbaron: I think it should match up with what FF is doing on the later
   dbaron: because the inset rules for the clipping cause that to not
           have any rounding

   emilio: I think I'm fine with dbaron's proposal
   emilio: could do something more complicated, but unclear it would be
   <TabAtkins> ok lol i finally looked at firefox's behavior with
               dbaron's increased overflow, that's silly
   <TabAtkins> i see why that would happen but still

   Proposed resolution: border radius doesn't round the clipping region
                        when mixing overflow: visible and clip
   dbaron: I should probably clarify that this is just a bugfix in the
           spec because nobody thought about it
   dbaron: but I don't think there's any other sensible behavior here
   * fantasai is not sure what's happening in the testcases, but agrees
              with the proposal
   smfr: if you look in Firefox at the penultimate box on the last
         test-case I just posted (where I just shift the box) is that
         what you're proposing?
   astearns: so with this resolution we'd still round the border but the
             overflowing element isn't clipped

   fantasai: afaict, all we're proposing here is that the
             border/background/etc are still rounded as normal, we just
             don't clip the content to the radius when there's overflow
             in one axis (or both axes)
   fantasai: this seems fine, what's the confusion?
   smfr: I just want to confirm that in my latest test-case FF is
         correct, except for the rounding on the left side
   dbaron: right
   smfr: sounds good
   <emilio +1 as well
   RESOLVED: border radius doesn't round the clipping region when mixing
             overflow: visible and clip

overflow-clip-margin longhands
github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8381

   fantasai: question is how does the shorthand looks like
   fantasai: one is to use different delimiter as grid
   fantasai: another is to have box then up to four lengths
   fantasai: then /missed/
   fantasai: oriol proposed 1-to-4 lengths-and-box

   fantasai: I prefer oriol proposal, then (2)
   <TabAtkins> I support option 2 (single box keyword, 1-4 lengths)
   TabAtkins: seems to be the one that matches up most cleanly what
              people want to do
   TabAtkins: single keyword and multiple length addresses most cases
   fantasai: (4) allows you to do one keyword but also multiple
   fantasai: full expansion might be unusual but you don't have to use it
   fantasai: and it allows all of them
   astearns: all combinations are allowed in the longhands
   astearns: oriol, are you ok with (2) or wanna argue for (4)
   oriol: no strong opinion, would be fine with (2) or even just
          restricting to 1 keyword + length
   proposal is to start with one keyword, we can always expand if needed
   RESOLVED: Go with (2) for now (single box keyword, 1-4 lengths)

Received on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 05:34:35 UTC