[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2023-03-01 [motion-1] [selectors-4] [css-overflow] [css-inline-3] [css-position]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

Motion Path

  - The group was positive about the simplification proposed in FXTF
      Issue #363 (The description of contain flag in ray() function).
      They would like to make sure that folks who are expert in watch
      design are involved and then bring the issue back when the spec
      text is written.

CSS Selectors

  - RESOLVED: Accept restrictions in
              with exception of :is and :where (Issue #8174: Add
              pseudo-class to establish before-change style for
              css-transitions on new elements)

CSS Overflow

  - RESOLVED: Adopt this feature as overflow-bikeshed [name is to be
              decided later] (Issue #8361: Add method to prevent
              elements from contributing to scrollable overflow)

CSS Inline

  - RESOLVED: Accept this behavior for baseline-source:first|last
              (Issue #8214: baseline-source:first and overflow:hidden
  - RESOLVED: leading-trim: normal; >> text-box-trim: none; AND
              text-edge >> text-box-edge (Issue #8067: Naming Stuff)

CSS Position

  - On the call there was a possible solution raised for issue #8286
      (Making a stickypos in a scroller also see the viewport edges)
      to use overflow:clip so it's explicitly not scrollable. Initial
      reaction was that that could work, but discussion will return to
      github to investigate further.


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2023Mar/0000.html

  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins
  David Baron
  Tantek Çelik
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Mason Freed
  Daniel Holbert
  Dael Jackson
  Ian Kilpatrick
  Peter Linss
  Cassondra Roberts
  Jen Simmons
  Alan Stearns

  Adam Argyle
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Jonathan Kew
  David Leininger
  Khushal Sagar
  Miriam Suzanne
  Bramus Van Damme
  Sebastian Zartner

Chair: Rossen

Scribe: dael

Motion Path

The description of contain flag in ray() function
  github: https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/363

  TabAtkins: Unless people agree with me, I don't expect resolution
             but want eyes. Motion is in interop 2023 and have issues
  TabAtkins: Problem is the ray function was added to make it easy to
             put things around a circle. Wanted easy way to position
             around the edge of a watch face.
  TabAtkins: Have origin out to some distance. Element is along a
             0-100% path. 100% is edge of the watch face but you want
             to pull it in and not have the center at 100%.
  TabAtkins: We had the contain flag which would shorten the ray for
             that. Definition was pretty complicated and even ignoring
             the math I think it's not good based on complications
  TabAtkins: Have suggestion to simplify at end that would have little
             change in practice, but better behavior in general.
             Better animation and more predictable.
  TabAtkins: If anyone has opinions would like them in thread. If I
             don't hear for a while I'll add to spec

  TabAtkins: Summary is previously took rectangle of element and
             pulled in until it's in circle defined by what the ray
             projects into. Figuring out how much to pull a square
             into the circle is not trivial. The angle mattered which
             made positioning weird.
  TabAtkins: Now is treat element like a circle based on larger
             dimension. Circle to circle make is way easier
  TabAtkins: Don't need resolution right now, but want attention.

  Rossen: Thoughts or feedback?
  fantasai: This was supposed to also handle non-circular watches. Is
            that still doing that or does it only work for circles?
  TabAtkins: Should generally do it. Especially if element you're
             trying to position is square should work approx same.
             Rectangle will be a bit different. Old if you're
             positioning rectangle to rectangle you would get right at
             the edge. But that's not the original thing it was trying
             to solve. Mine gives you good on circle and okay on
  fantasai: Would be good to get people that do watch stuff to take a
            look. I'll look also
  Rossen: Feedback here is general temperature is positive to proceed
          forward. I guess that's what you're looking for.
  fantasai: I think we should bring it back once we have spec text to
            resolve on. People should review with examples and stuff

Selectors 4

Add pseudo-class to establish before-change style for css-transitions
    on new elements
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8174

  [Restrictions List:
    Parses, but always fail matching if not in subject
    Parses, but always fail matching inside matches-any selectors like
        :is(), :where(), :has(), :not().
    Allowed after tree-abiding pseudo elements (::before, ::after,
        ::marker, ::placeholder, ::file-selector-button)
    Allowed after ::part()
    Allowed inside ::slotted()
    Allowed inside :host()
    Parse error after other pseudo elements
  chrishtr: Allowing transition to present first frame in cases where
            it was not present. Seemed like positive feedback but
            discussion didn't conclude about if there should be
            restrictions to make it performant enough
  chrishtr: Rune did a prototype that he added a comment on. Has a
            list of 8 inclusions/exclusions.
  TabAtkins: Subject means the part of the selector getting styled
  chrishtr: Makes sense. [reads list]. The prototype works as expected
            for us. Concerns with definition?
  fantasai: No concerns, but want dbaron and emilio to be happy with
  flackr: I know last time we discussed I believe they both were on
          and didn't have immediate concerns. I believe subject
          restriction was from emilio to make it performant
  flackr: Not to say we can't defer, but I believe they have looked
  chrishtr: That's my recollection as well. If no other concerns today
            perhaps we can resolve and then we can reopen if they do
            have a concern
  chrishtr: Would that be okay?
  <fantasai> wfm
  Rossen: Sounds okay

  TabAtkins: The list of conditions is good. Only concern is
             restriction on :is/:where/structural pseudos. :not makes
             sense, but :is and :where in all cases seems excessive.
             As noted in thread would restrict some nesting and
             doesn't give you anything
  TabAtkins: So long as all branches of :is/:where have the initial
             pseudo class it should work. You can re-write to move the
             initial out but in nesting that's not plausible
  TabAtkins: If we can relax that bit I'd be happy.
  chrishtr: Do you mean every branch as nesting?
  TabAtkins: If every comma separated selector has the initial pseudo
             it's valid just as if you put it outside the :is
  fantasai: What does that have with nesting?
  TabAtkins: Not technically using :is it's described as behaving
             similar with regards to parent selector
  fantasai: but this can be an exception
  TabAtkins: No reason for exception because it's not the nesting but
             that it's in every branch of the selector
  <TabAtkins> .foo:is(.a:initial, .b:initial) should be valid, along
              the .foo:initial:is(.a, .b) which is currently valid
  fantasai: Feel like that makes it more confusing. Obvious it's valid
            when it's outside and valid when inside. Saying has to be
            in all 3 but not 2 gets complicated
  TabAtkins: [missed] in all branches
  TabAtkins: The rule is it has to be on the subject in all branches.
             It's an extension of the existing rule. If it's on all
             branches it can go into and is/where
  fantasai: Defer to implementors. I think it's a little confusing
  TabAtkins: Unhappy with behavioral differences for :is/:where when
             there isn't a reason
  chrishtr: Makes sense to me
  <TabAtkins> but .foo:is(.a:initial, .b) would make the initial not

  Rossen: Augment proposal to exclude is and where from the second
          list item? Or all 4?
  TabAtkins: :has and :not are not selecting the subject so they are
             fine to exclude
  TabAtkins: :is/:where are allowed if on the subject in every
             argument would need to be explicit
  Rossen: Proposal: accept list of restrictions in
          as proposed by Rune excluding :is and :where. Draw attention
          to emilio and dbaron to review
  Rossen: Draw attention to Rune to make sure it's implementable with
          the change to :is/:where
  TabAtkins: If there's implementation complexity I'm fine restricting
  Rossen: Accept restrictions in
          with exception if :is and :where
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Accept restrictions in
            with exception of :is and :where

  ACTION: chrishtr get feedback from dbaron emilio and Rune

CSS Overflow

Add method to prevent elements from contributing to scrollable overflow
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8361

  <fantasai> See also leaverou's examples in
  TabAtkins: Happy to take it since raised by non-WG member and
             leaverou is not available
  TabAtkins: Request is some way of opting an element out of
             contributing to ancestor scrollable overflow. Lots of
             examples of places with decorative element that happens
             to overflow and element a little bit. Overflow isn't
             important. Stuff in viewport is important but you trigger
  TabAtkins: Example from leaverou is the fork me banner on GH that's
             at 45 deg angle and has a little corner poke out. Another
             example is animating an element into the page it's
             outside the page as it animates in, triggers scrollbars,
             but once it's in place no scrollbars.
  TabAtkins: Forcing an element to only contribute ink overflow. More
             to discuss about using it in a safe fashion, but use case
             is worth addressing and should explore in overflow 4

  iank: Trivial for implementation, more or less what we do for
        position:fixed already. Want to make sure this doesn't effect
        the content-edge contribution to scrollable overflow. I don't
        think that breaks any use cases
  iank: If you have element in block flow at the end the end content
        edge contributes to scrollable overflow, but when you rotate
        the element wouldn't. Want to make sure of that. Otherwise,
        this would be great
  TabAtkins: More details on the case?
  iank: Maybe grid is easier to explain. The content-edge we add the
        end content edge; padding after content edge; as scrollable
        overflow. To do that look at where children are or look at
        grid itself. Grid, see last row and column, add end padding,
        and that's part of scrollable overflow
  iank: If we start excluding things from the content-edge calc it
        gets tricky very quickly
  TabAtkins: Do we currently pay attention to things like box shadow
             for that calc?
  fantasai: No because ink overflow
  TabAtkins: Assume similar here
  fantasai: I think iank is saying there are things not descendant
            boxes that are for scrollable overflow and we shouldn't
            change that?
  iank: Correct. When calc overflow we factor in a bunch of things
        like where the padding is. Don't want to effect that
  fantasai: I agree and I don't think that's requested. Need to set on
            the element containing the padding. You'd like to set on
            an element whose ancestor is a scrollable
  iank: A bit of a nuance because could say you shouldn't include me
        where the content edge is but want the distinction

  fantasai: I think if we add it's a property on an element you want
            to exclude that says ignore me when calc scrollable
  fantasai: Might want a distinction between ignore my box but pay
            attention to my contents vs ignore me and all my contents.
            I can imagine a rotated box with padding where you don't
            care about corners but you do want the text scrollable
  fantasai: Propose 3 values, one is normal, one is ignore my box, one
            is ignore me and all my descendants
  TabAtkins: Makes sense
  iank: Want to check with authors on more complex. It sounds fine
  <flackr> Sounds reasonable. Could allow setting the not ignored
           property on a descendant for some of those descendant cases
  Rossen: Clarification - assuming this is true for my immediate
          scrollport ancestor and all of it's ancestors? Including
  TabAtkins: Yep. Ideal is you mark the element as ink overflow so
             it's the same as ink overflow in all scrollers

  TabAtkins: iank, hypothetical: Animating element up from bottom to
             visible. I have this marked on it. Do you think okay or
             would it make scrollbars?
  iank: If it's out of flow positioned behaves as you expect. If it's
        in flow you would still consider end content edge
  TabAtkins: That sounds good. We'll have to make sure we get that
             because it's a little more nuanced, but I think it's
             fine. Will need to word carefully.
  iank: fwiw if we can come up with a reasonable syntax this is
        trivial to impl

  fantasai: Name is hard. overflow-skip?
  TabAtkins: We can do names in the thread
  Rossen: Overall sentiment is we want to resolve on adopting the
          feature and figure out name as we go. Anything else to talk
          about or resolve on this?
  TabAtkins: That's all
  Rossen: Objections on Adopt this feature as overflow-bikeshed

  RESOLVED: Adopt this feature as overflow-bikeshed

CSS Inline

baseline-source:first and overflow:hidden inline-boxes
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8214

  iank: baseline-source longhand has 2 values which is what we do
        already. It will behave css2 baseline. We also have
        baseline-source:first and last
  <TabAtkins> gonna go ahead and +1 Ian's suggestion for this issue,
              it sounds good
  iank: The definition...currently the thing that conflicts is when
        you have overflow:hidden specified. We'll snap to end margin
        edge. A lot of webdev dislike this behavior. If you add
        overflow:hidden to hide visual effects you lose baseline
        alignment. For baseline-source:first|last it would be good to
        skip that behavior and use clamping like flexbox and grid
  TabAtkins: Sounds great, I like it
  iank: fwiw the baseline-source:auto needs to be tightened up a
        little bit to capture some nuance
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Accept this behavior for baseline-source:first|last

Naming Stuff
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8067

  fantasai: This is a long discussion about naming stuff. May come
            back for more naming. A number of properties in inline
            spec that are not most understandable. I think that the
            person who put this on agenda wanted leading-trim and
            text-edge to be taken.
  fantasai: text-box-sizing and text-box-trim have been discussed for
            text-edge and leading-trim respectively. Also rename
            initial values to normal
  fantasai: I think it makes sense and we should go in this direction.
            Not sure we'll end up where because some discussion about
            splitting what is text-edge into two properties.
  fantasai: text-edge -> text-box-sizing, leading-trim ->
            text-box-trim and initial values are normal
  fantasai: Though text-box-trim could be none
  <astearns> +1 to removing ‘leading’ from the list of words we use

  jensimmons: I think leading-trim initial is normal and text-edge
              initial is leading. Makes a lot of sense to change that
  jensimmons: text-box-trim is none because won't do any extra
              trimming and then you change to trim
  <fantasai> text-box-sizing: normal | other stuff
  <fantasai> text-box-trim: none | other stuff
  fantasai: Makes more sense. Going with ^
  jensimmons: Wondering a bit if text-box-sizing makes the most sense
              or make sense to text-box-edge. It's really about
              finding top and bottom edge. Where will you trim to.
  fantasai: And we have values for top and bottom independent, right?
  jensimmons: I think you can use one value and it's used for both if
              both in other property or you can list them separately
  jensimmons: Are you saying making that two separate properties?
  fantasai: No, separate discussion about text-edge. Does 2 things
            currently, one is change how we measure an inline box to
            see if it fits in the line-box. Right now include text +
            half-leading and text-edge lets you cut that down.
  fantasai: That's per line box. Effects how text is measured in a
  fantasai: leading-trim we say if you trim start or end and what's
            top of first line box or bottom of last and that drills
            down through descendants. In that case we say where we
            trim to and we look at text-edge. Alan (from Apple) raised
            a question about if we should have a separate property to
            let you control that perhaps defaults to text-edge
  fantasai: I think what you're proposing is an improvement, we should
            take and realize we might come back
  jensimmons: Hearing what you described makes me wonder having both
              properties used. Edge when you say which edge and sizing
              to change calc of box height. That makes sense to me
  fantasai: Makes sense

  jensimmons: text-box-sizing people like because they know
              box-sizing. Pointing at lines is different than saying
              border-box. I don't know what that means for a first
  jensimmons: Rename to text-box-trim and then text-box-edge for now?
              Or do we call it sizing for now?
  fantasai: Let's go with what you suggested and we can come back once
            we dig into other issues
  jensimmons: text-box-edge or text-box-sizing to start?
  fantasai: I don't know. Could go either way
  Rossen: If we start with text-box-edge given it lets you control the
          2 edge separately that would be better because
          text-box-sizing is similar to box-sizing and that applies to
          the whole box. text-box-sizing suggests both would be
          effected so prefer -edge
  fantasai: Makes sense. And we could split into longhands eventually.
            text-box-edge-start makes more sense
  fantasai: Don't know we'll need it but good we could go to longhands
  <jensimmons> leading-trim: normal;   >>   text-box-trim: none;
               AND    text-edge  >>   text-box-edge
  jensimmons: Talking about this ^
  jensimmons: Potential of text-box-sizing or breaking things out later
  <tantek> +1 Rossen's reasoning on naming.
  fantasai: Yeah
  jensimmons: sgtm

  Rossen: Feedback or objections?
  fantasai: Going in the right direction. Not sure it's at the finish
            line, but happy to make those edits
  jensimmons: sgtm. We have an impl but behind a flag. the name
              changes are important to get quickly so there won't be
              old tutorials with wrong names
  Rossen: Not hearing objections

  RESOLVED: leading-trim: normal; >> text-box-trim: none; AND
            text-edge >> text-box-edge

CSS Position

Making a stickypos in a scroller also see the viewport edges
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8286

  TabAtkins: An issue for a good while is when people use stickypos by
             default it sticks to viewport. Very useful. Stays on
  TabAtkins: If you have a scrollable ancestor this stops happening.
             Stays in scrollport but no longer sticks to viewport. If
             scrollport larger than screen you can scroll sticky thing
             offscreen even though intended to be always visible
  TabAtkins: Request is for some mechanism to make sure a stickypos
             can see viewport edges even when it's not the closest
             scroller. Could go further to allow arbitrary scroll
             containers, but important things are nearest scrollport
             and viewport

  flackr: Commented on issue, think viewport is too special case. I
          don't know if we have ability to have overflow:clip in one
          position. That could be workable to make this compositable
          so you can observe scroller scrolling you and not the one
          clipping you
  TabAtkins: I don't think that solves. In a scroller that can be
             scrolled vertically. You have a big table and want head
             to be sticky. Box of table is partially offscreen but you
             want thread to be sticky. Genuinely scrollable access is
             that thing you want to pay attention past
  flackr: Concern is if we special-case viewport there's still a lot
          of cases where doc can't use viewport
  TabAtkins: Agree. Hits on issue viewport has magic we can't
             reproduce. Talked in the past about being able to mark
             something as root scroller. Perhaps it's a matter of we
             should do that and it interacts well here
  flackr: That would help
  TabAtkins: I think you were a part of those discussion in the past,
             but that was years ago
  flackr: It certainly stalled.

  fantasai: Other proposal in the issue was make it sticky to nearest
            scroller in the relevant axis. If you have only horizontal
            scroll something sticky in vertical axis sticks to next
            scroller up
  TabAtkins: I thought use case listed in root is that or by what
             flackr mentioned
  flackr: I think they are same. They could ignore nearest scroller if
          it doesn't impact in that axis
  fantasai: I feel like it's more flexible. Would it make sense?
  flackr: Tricky bit is non-scrollable direction is treated as
  fantasai: So can't be a scroll container

  flackr: Could make non-scroll overflow:clip so it's explicitly not
  flackr: Haven't fully thought if that works
  TabAtkins: I don't think anything wrong with that. Clipping in 1
             axis is weird visual stuff, but not if scrollable in
             other axis
  TabAtkins: That might be it
  flackr: Might be good in general to say something is clipped in one
  TabAtkins: I want to do investigation, but that's a plausible
  Rossen: TabAtkins you want to do that and bring it back?
  TabAtkins: Sounds good
  fantasai: I wasn't expecting a resolution, but good to have progress

  Rossen: Thanks everyone for connecting. Reminder- take a look at
          dates and times for mid-March virtual F2F

Received on Saturday, 4 March 2023 19:30:30 UTC