[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2022-11-30 Part I: Administrative, Selectors, Scroll Animations, CSS Values, CSS Display [selectors] [css-scroll-animations] [css-values] [css-display]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.


  - There is a proposed extra session for next week to focus on scroll


  - Resolution on issue #7676 (The forgiving nature of :has breaks
      jQuery when used with a complex :has selector) will wait until
      next week to allow folks to take a deeper look
  - RESOLVED: Merge a limited version of
              into Selectors 5 (Issue #4805: Custom state pseudo class
  - RESOLVED: Take this up for Selectors 5, fantasai and tabatkins
               will come back with proposed text (Issue #6867: Pseudo
               class to indicated when a slot has content)

Scroll Animations

  - RESOLVED: Adopt the general path forward of allowing more granular
              animation control, Rob will write proposed explainer for
              it (Issue #7440: No-motion / forced-reduced-motion issue

CSS Values

  - RESOLVED: ID-Fragment-only URLs use tree-scoped reference
              mechanics (Issue #3320: Clarify fragment URLs resolve
              against the current tree, not document tree)

CSS Display

  - RESOLVED: Adopt this proposal, and work out the details (Issue
              #6429: Why is display listed as not animatable instead
              of animation type: discrete?)


Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/projects/35

  Jake Archibald
  Adam Argyle
  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins
  David Baron
  Oriol Brufau
  Tantek Çelik
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Mason Freed
  Paul Grenier
  Chris Harrelson
  Jonathan Kew
  Vladimir Levin
  Peter Linss
  Cameron McCormack
  Eric Meyer
  François Remy
  Florian Rivoal
  Jen Simmons
  Alan Stearns
  Miriam Suzanne

  Daniel Holbert
  Bramus Van Damme
  Lea Verou

Chair: Rossen

Scribe: emeyer


  astearns: Propose an extra session next week to talk just about
            scroll animations


The forgiving nature of :has breaks jQuery when used with a complex
    :has selector
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7676

  <Rossen> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7676#issuecomment-1249958942

  TabAtkins: Added to agenda by Elika, the last comment was someone
             asking about HTTPArchive data collection
  fantasai: We need a follow-up, so to figure out who needs to do what
            to move this forward
  fantasai: we really need to know if we're making this change or not,
            and what we need to know to decide that
  fremy: Question is, what's the behavior in Chromium and did it
  Rossen: Who is the last person who updated, a committer on Chromium
  <miriam> They maintain postCSS I think
  fantasai: We need someone to follow up on this. It can't just sit
  emilio: It seems Chromium now has WebKit's original behavior

  Rossen: Who can take a more proactive approach to this?
  <chrishtr> I can ask andruud async for an update on httparchive
  fantasai: We could take dbaron's proposal to limit forgiving parsing
            behavior to :is() and :where()
  fantasai: If we have forgiving parsing to :has() it becomes
            confusing, as some selectors have forgiving parsing and
            others (e.g. :not()) don't, limiting as David proposed is
            simpler because authors only need to remember that these
            two selectors have forgiving parsing and nothing else
            does; and also authors can control where it goes by
            wrapping with :is() wherever they want it
  <Rossen> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7676#issuecomment-1249958942
  <chrishtr> There are also some use counters about to go to stable
             channel, see

  astearns: Perhaps we should punt to next week since we still need
            HTTParchive data
  fantasai: We only need that if we don't take David's proposal to
            narrow forgiving parsing down to :is() and :where()
  <fantasai> but either way I'm okay to punt to next week
  Rossen: I'm happy to push this to next week to allow people to take
          a deeper look
  Rossen: It doesn't sound like people are ready to make a decision,
          so I don't think we should spend more time on this issue

Custom state pseudo class proposal
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4805

  fantasai: Should we be taking this up and drafting it into Selectors
            5, or are we waiting to collect interest or information?
  TabAtkins: Based on our last comment, we're not super interested in
  fantasai: I'll untag it from selectors 4
  Rossen: Anyone else interested in taking this up?

  TabAtkins: The open question is about to do with non-booleans
  <Rossen> explainer -
  <jarhar> I made a HTML PR here: https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/8467
  TabAtkins: Okay, we actually should take that up. We could merge it
             into selectors.
  fantasai: We should merge it into 5, not 4.
  <TabAtkins> https://wicg.github.io/custom-state-pseudo-class/
  Rossen: The resolution is we're going to take the boolean part into
          selectors 5.
  TabAtkins: Joey reminded he has an issue to put this in HTML. We
             should mention it in selectors but point over to HTML.

  RESOLVED: Merge a limited version of
            into Selectors 5

Pseudo class to indicated when a slot has content
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6867

  fantasai: I wanted to know if this is something we want to pursue.
            plinss was asked whether or not we can check to see if
            something has slotted content. Is this something we want
            to do?
  TabAtkins: The use case makes sense and the argument is reasonable.
             The fact you can't tell if text content has been slotted
             in leaves a whole. I say was call it ‘:has-slotted'
  PaulG: Is the example intended to be a slot name?
  TabAtkins: ‘::slotted' will select anything slotted into that slot.
  fantasai: Tab and I should draft a proposal.
  Rossen: Would this be level 4?
  fantasai: No, 5

  <fantasai> ACTION: Tab + fantasai to draft into Selectors 5

  RESOLVED: Take this up for Selectors 5, fantasai and tabatkins will
            come back with proposed text

Scroll Animations

No-motion / forced-reduced-motion issue draft
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7440

  flackr: In TAG review, we determined they were going to cause a lot
          of full-page animations
  flackr: There's concern that we have a query for reduced motion, but
          there's interest in a UA policy to shut off animation
  fantasai: We could shut off all animation forms, but people want a
            way to override that
  fantasai: Don't think we should have it at a page level
  fantasai: If we want the ability to override a forced shutdown of
            all animations, we need to provide it on a granular level
  flackr: Would this be per element?
  fantasai: Per animation
  flackr: So we're talking about a new property?
  fantasai: We might not want the author to be able to override the
            UA, but if we do, it should be per animation.
  fantasai: This would mean adding some kind of way to set this for
            each animation

  PaulG: It sounds like developers in commercial and ad spaces will
         put !important on all their animations, leading to a
         back-and-forth war between devs and users. I don't love the
         idea of overrides.
  emilio: For users who do this, what I've seen user stylesheets set
          animation: none
  emilio: I guess that doesn't work with web animations, but we could
          make it work with a user setting to ban web animations
  emilio: I don't feel great about a per-animation switch
  emilio: This seems somewhat similar to forced-colors, perhaps we
          could use a similar approach here
  flackr: Even though this opens the door for authors to override,
          they can already do it in JS, and in a worse way

  emeyer: If there's a property that lets authors disable
          per-animation, wouldn't they use a universal selector to
          override for every element every animation?
  flackr: Won't they use GSAP or something?
  <TabAtkins> More generally, we have similar "let me handle this
              manually" properties in a few places and trust people to
              use it responsibly.

  PaulG: People with serious disorders or epilepsy will disable JS. It
         would be better for them if they can disable CSS animations.
  PaulG: If they can't shut off CSS the same way they can JS, they
         have less control
  fantasai: If we do this declarative way, that allows the browser to
            have different levels of policy. One could be force all
            animations off, another force off, and a third could be
            force off and ignore overrides. We can allow that
  fantasai: There was a suggestion at proposal time to allow a
            force-off, but allow authors to override with a switch.
  fantasai: If someone wants to behave badly, they can always go to
            JS. With the CSS approach, authors will have to confront
            their decision to override accessibility concerns.
  fantasai: It is a little bit different from normal ad wars, I think

  TabAtkins: We have other properties where we let authors explicitly
             opt into handling things manually, and trust they'll be
             used when necessary and good
  TabAtkins: As a general rule, our policy seems to be to let people
             opt out on individual levels when there's a good reason

  jensimmons: Part of the complexity is people have different needs
              for levels of motion, and a boolean doesn't work
  jensimmons: A lot of people want or need to turn off extreme or fast
              animation; a designer might do that stuff because they
              think that's cool
  jensimmons: users who don't want extreme animation might want small
  jensimmons: I'm for something that will let authors deal with this
              kind of nuance
  jensimmons: If we can also have a switch for users who need no
              motion at all, that would be an ideal way to go
  <PaulG> https://www.w3.org/TR/adapt-content/ provides levels of
          importance in animation
  <jensimmons> We should design CSS to work the way we want, to
               provide the result we want, and not rely on a
               dependency on JS. CSS itself should be well defined as
               a language, and we don't want to require Authors to use
               JS to handle animation motion properly.

  flackr: From what I hear, there's general support for this idea,
          which is good. Let's put together a more concrete proposal
          and bring it back to the WG
  fantasai: I think this should be a standalone for now, but this will
            have to integrate into animation, scroll-animations, web
            animations, transitions, [a couple more the scribe missed]
  flackr: We have a bit of flexibility because these are declarative
          to split apart whether the animation is motion-inducing or
          not. Is there an appetite to distinguish those from opacity
          and so forth?
  PaulG: If you look at the adapt-content document, they talk about
         levels of distraction. The more descriptive we can get, the

  RESOLVED: Adopt the general path forward of allowing more granular
            animation control, Rob will write proposed explainer for it

CSS Values

Clarify fragment URLs resolve against the current tree, not
    document tree
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3320

  TabAtkins: Brought up a few weeks ago and wasn't introduced properly
  TabAtkins: Several years ago, we discussed behavior of fragment-only
             URLs and how they react to the <base> element or
             Navigation API, changing page URL, etc.
  TabAtkins: They're necessary for SVG references, and if they can be
             shifted, that can break things
  TabAtkins: Fragment URLs are supposed to be special, if you write a
             fragment-only URL in they're always resolved against the
             current document, regardless of URL situation
  TabAtkins: Browsers were in several places at the time, but we
             decided this was a good place to go
  TabAtkins: The question arose how this works in Shadow trees. Are
             fragment-only URLs resolved against the current document,
             or are they resolved against the tree they appear in?
  TabAtkins: Web Components group thought it was most reasonable to
             resolve inside the current tree, I agreed
  TabAtkins: Question is: is this okay that fragment URLs resolve
             against the current tree? Is the spec text okay or do I
             need to fix it up?

  emilio: The current tree means the tree of the stylesheet that
          specified the URL, right?
  TabAtkins: Yes.
  emilio: That may be tricky with SVG <use> elements, which sucks
  emilio: Seems the most sensible, but it isn't the current behavior
          of anyone
  TabAtkins: No other behavior allows SVGs with references to work
             inside of a shadow tree at all
  emilio: The tree of the stylesheet makes more sense
  <TabAtkins> Essentially, treating fragment-only URLs as being
  heycam: I can understand using this proposal

  PaulG: Does this apply to text-fragment URLs, and is a web component
         has CSS and it uses fragment URLs, can that leak to other
         shadow DOMs and the parent document?
  TabAtkins: For the first, the spec assumes only IDs exist, and I'll
             clarify that this only applies to fragment URLs and
             doesn't apply to other things like text-fragment
  <fantasai> There's also #xywh= fragments etc. to worry about ...
  PaulG: It sounds like will process such that CSS in a component
         could detect IDs in other trees
  TabAtkins: Nope, the opposite
  TabAtkins: If the stylesheet is in the shadow, it'll only see IDs in
             the shadow; if it's in the light, it'll only see IDs in
             the light.
  JakeA: This wouldn't change the scope of ARIA things like
         aria-describedby, yes?
  TabAtkins: This is just about the CSS url() function
  TabAtkins: This is why we need raw element references so we can
             reference across trees

  heycam: 1. It might be weird with the stylesheet relative thing when
          you look at computed style, now you have a state behind the
          computed value not represented by that style
  heycam: 2. Have we considered an alternative approach where we
          change the way IDs get resolved by looking up the tree?
  TabAtkins: 1. Yes, this does introduce state not expressed in the
             text. This is how we handle tree-scope references already
             and explicitly resolved to do it that way.
  TabAtkins: If you set font family, it remembers the tree it was set
             in. If you read computed style in a shadow, you read it
             and set it back to the inline style, it will change that
  TabAtkins: 2. Automatically searching up trees is how tree scope
             works today
  TabAtkins: assuming I use the same behavior, you look up the tree
             and if you don't find anything, you can maybe find things
             in the light
  heycam: Ah, that's different from how I was understanding things.
  <fantasai> I think the spec doesn't currently express this nuance
  TabAtkins: There's still state. If you use a ::part, it will search
             in the light DOM, not the shadow
  TabAtkins: If you explicitly inherit, that will capture the original
             tree it was set on. If it inherits into a shadow tree, it
             will still search the light tree.

  fantasai: We're binding the fragment to a tree, and inheriting that
            binding. Need to make that clear in the spec.
  fantasai: Also that it doesn't just look in its own tree, it looks
            up trees.
  TabAtkins: I need to use tree-scoped references explicitly.
  fantasai: In this text to handle ID fragments, you hadn't considered
            other fragments. What do we anticipate what happens there?
  TabAtkins: I don't know, haven't thought about it in detail. For ID
             references, we get this behavior, the rest are undefined.
  fantasai: We have to define those
  <fantasai> <!DOCTYPE html>
  <fantasai> <base href="http://example.com/">
  <fantasai> ...
  <fantasai> <a href="#anchor" style="background-image:
  fantasai: Other question: with base URLs, there's an example (see
            above) which is resolved against one document and an image
            resolving against a different document
  fantasai: Firefox and WebKit don't handle this
  fantasai: Do we actually want to change this behavior to something I
            think authors will find more confusing?
  TabAtkins: This is based in an older decision and didn't want to
             re-litigate it
  fantasai: Do we want to keep going in this direction?
  TabAtkins: We have to, or else SVGs in shadow DOMs will break and
             can't be fixed
  fantasai: Can't you put a base in a component and have it resolve
            against that?
  TabAtkins: Probably not. <base> is terrible old HTML we should
  fantasai: I do want confirmation from browsers that they still want
            this to be where we go
  emilio: It seems okay from my point of view
  heycam: I think it's fine as well
  <fantasai> testcase:
  <TabAtkins> proposed resolution: ID-Fragment-only URLs use
              tree-scoped reference mechanics

  RESOLVED: ID-Fragment-only URLs use tree-scoped reference mechanics

  ACTION: bring back text for WG review

CSS Display
  scribe: fremy

Why is display listed as not animatable instead of animation
    type: discrete?
  github-bot: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6429

  flackr: Display is currently not animatable
  flackr: mostly because none would cancel the animation
  flackr: but there are valid use cases
  flackr: My proposal is to allow animation
  flackr: but flip "none" when the animation reaches 100% only
  flackr: We would need this restriction, because web animations would
          allow the animation to continue even if the element goes away
  flackr: so, the idea is that if we interpolate between two values
  flackr: the non-"none" value would win

  astearns: What is smfr's take on this?
  astearns: he isn't on the call
  astearns: anybody can take this over for him?

  heycam: At first glance, this seems reasonable
  heycam: I can't see any reason why this would cause issues

  TabAtkins: The fundamental problem is going from "none" to something
  TabAtkins: but there are also values that change box types
  TabAtkins: and that makes it difficult to preserve an animation
             across box-generation changes
  TabAtkins: but we could define that
  emilio: Writing mode an direction can affect animations as well
  fantasai: And text-orientation
  fantasai: but leaving those as non-animatable seems fine
  TabAtkins: That categorization makes sense to me

  PaulG: This can be used to keep a distracting and harmful element
         visible using an animation that never lets "none" apply,
         troll the user with an animation
  fantasai: A user stylesheet can disable the animation
  fantasai: so this wouldn't make a difference, I think
  fantasai: There might be bugs in user agents right now, but this is
            what is specced
  PaulG: But !important would not override the animation
  fantasai: No, animations are in the cascade
  fantasai: so !important static would override the animation
  PaulG: So you don't have to override the animation property?
  fantasai: no, the property is enough
  <fantasai> -> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-5/#cascade-sort
  <fantasai> -> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-cascade-3/implementation-report
  <fantasai> (Safari currently doesn't handle animations cascade
             correctly, but Gecko and Blink do)

  emilio: One question about the behavior: what happens if you put
          display:none on a keyframe? is that allowed?
  emilio: At parse time that is not allowed
  emilio: but you can sneak this using a custom property
  flackr: Yes, we want to make sure some properties should stay within
          acceptable values
  emilio: And if doesn't ? what would happen?
  flackr: I guess not having a display value
  emilio: So, make display:none in the animation behave as
          display:revert (use the value outside of the animation)
  emilio: we can work out the details later though
  flackr: There is no circularity with web animations, so display:none
          doesn't stop the animation
  emilio: Right

  ydaniv: "discrete" animation flip half-way
  ydaniv: can we instead flip where the author wants it?
  flackr: This is the second part of my proposal
  flackr: The value would not change, until you reach the keyframe
          that sets the value
  ydaniv: and what about other values?
  ydaniv: Isn't it more predictable if it always behave as a flip?
  flackr: I think this gives less flexibility to the developers
  flackr: they can still choose to have the keyframes have any duration
  flackr: If you flip immediately, this duration is no longer
          something the author controls
  astearns: Are we not concerned by using a different timing for
            display than other values?
  ydaniv: I would suppose that other wanting to go from grid to flex
          don't want to wait
  flackr: All discrete proposals behave like that
  TabAtkins: And you can control where that 50% happens by having
             another keyframe
  astearns: but for none, we need something special

  heycam: What about transition:all?
  flackr: No, because all only affects non-discrete properties
  flackr: we could enable transitions for more, but we would probably
          make a new keyword

  astearns: Any other comment on this proposal?
  astearns: Any concern about going further?
  astearns: Proposed resolution is to adopt and start writing the spec
  astearns: Any objection?

  RESOLVED: Adopt this proposal, and work out the details

  <fantasai> Note: this should go into display-4

Received on Thursday, 1 December 2022 01:30:10 UTC