Re: [paint] stroke-dash-justify keywords

On 03/17/2017 09:47 AM, Paul LeBeau wrote:
> I had a comment on stroke-dash-justify. There are options to stretch or compress the dash pattern to fit. Wouldn't it also be
> desirable to have an option that stretched or compresses depending on which was closest?  For example, equivalent to the
> "round" option of border-image-repeat?

Leaving out the stretch/compress keywords would have that effect.

> Also would it make sense to match the border-image-repeat names where appropriate?  For example, the keyword "space" is
> basically equivalent to "gaps".

Not a bad idea, but there isn't an equivalent to the other values, really.
What keywords would you use for 'dashes' or 'gaps dashes'?


Received on Thursday, 23 March 2017 17:21:44 UTC