Re: Repetition in style sheets

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 9:13 AM, Jens Oliver Meiert <> wrote:
> FYI, I ran a little study about the DRYness of large-scale style
> sheets and our situation there, and found a what I deem excessive
> amount of declaration repetition (and repetition in general):
> (data:
> Maybe this of interest for the group; I believe that not only is there
> much potential when it comes to style sheet optimization (something we
> might be able to do more about), but also that there are more lessons
> to be learned from particularly large sites.

Yup, this seems to match what a number of other people in the
CSS-processing community have found, which is that "atomizing" a
stylesheet into its component declarations can offer significant space
savings.  It doesn't seem to match people's preferred authoring styles
/ mental models, but as a post-processing step it seems to have a lot
of promise.


Received on Thursday, 1 June 2017 18:34:20 UTC