Re: [css-writing-modes] Vertical upright Mongolian intrinsic orientation

hi Karl,

I've been writing an article about how to do that. Please see

You shouldn't need to use the text-orientation property, but you'll need 
a font that knows how to behave.

Let me know if that helps, and how you get on, and send me any feedback.

hope that helps,

On 10/01/2017 12:31, Kari Pihkala wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m trying to figure out what is the correct way to render traditional
> Mongolian text in upright text-orientation.
> The Writing Modes 3 spec says: “Typographic character units from
> vertical scripts are typeset with their intrinsic orientation” [1].
> Mongolian is listed as a vertical script with a vertical intrinsic
> direction (ttb) [2].
> Here’s my test case:
> I tried it in Chrome55 and Firefox50 on Mac/Windows10 (on Mac 10.12, the
> default font didn’t display any text orientation correctly, so I had to
> install the Mongolian White font [3]).
> The mixed and sideways Mongolian texts are rendered correctly, but the
> upright text isn’t. Does it mean that browsers are typesetting Mongolian
> upright text wrong?
> Regards,
> Kari
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2017 12:40:22 UTC