Re: CSS property for visually hiding an element

François REMY 於 4/4/2017 12:17 PM 寫道:
> Aural stylesheets are not used for screen readers, and screen still applies.
> As the name implies, a screen reader reads the screen.

That isn't the implication I get out of CSS2.2¹ and CSS1 Speech²:

"The aural rendering of a document, already commonly used by the blind 
and print-impaired communities, combines speech synthesis and 'auditory 
icons." Often such aural presentation occurs by converting the document 
to plain text and feeding this to a screen reader -- software or 
hardware that simply reads all the characters on the screen. [...]"

"The aural presentation of information is commonly used by people who 
are blind, visually-impaired or otherwise print-disabled. For instance, 
"screen readers" allow users to interact with visual interfaces that 
would otherwise be inaccessible to them. [...]

"The CSS properties defined in the Speech module enable authors to 
declaratively control the presentation of a document in the aural 
dimension. [...]"

Seems like some rewording is in order. I'd suggest something to the 
point like "Aural/speech stylesheets are inapplicable to screen readers."


Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2017 03:17:36 UTC