Re: CSS Accessibility Task Force commissioned

Thank you, Michael. Now we just need the humans to populate the online
resources! <grin>


Michael Cooper writes:
> At last week's joint meeting between APA, ARIA, and CSS at TPAC I took an
> action to set up some infrastructure for the CSS Accessibility Task Force:
> This is now done. Key resources:
>  * Home page, mainly as a place to link to everything else -
>  * GitHub repository for spec development, wiki, and issue tracking -
>  * Mailing list - (archives at
>  * Editors' draft of CSS-AAM -
>  * List of task force participants -
> Some of the above may evolve as work progresses, particularly specific
> GitHub repositories or deliverables, but for now the above repository is
> where the task force can track issues. Participants in the task force are
> automatically subscribed to the mailing list.
> I added people to the task force who I could pick out of the minutes of last
> week's meeting. If you'd like to participate in the task force and don't see
> your name in the participants list above, just let me know and I'll add you.
> Next steps will be for the WG chairs to pick facilitators for the task
> force, editors for initial deliverables, and then for it to begin work.
> Activity around that will take place on the public-css-a11y mailing list to
> start; this message to the groups is just to let everyone know it's up and
> running.
> Michael


Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.443.300.2200

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Friday, 30 September 2016 15:43:44 UTC