www-style@w3.org from March 2016 by subject

[css-2015] Pre-CR Unprefixed Features

[css-animations] Consider accept string for animation name for compatibility?

[css-animations][web-animations] steps() timing function sometimes unintuitive

[css-backgrounds] Let border-style apply to border-image

[css-backgrounds] Standardize "background-clip: text"

[css-box] shrink-to-fit and floats

[css-break] display:contents and break-before/after

[css-color] Alpha component of "color" property and color glyphs

[css-color] more detailed proposal for "compositing-space"

[css-color] wider/deeper colors

[css-containment] Splitting the "sizing" part from "layout" containment

[css-counter-styles] Any chance of requiring a -- prefix on the names?

[css-display] Explaining <br>

[css-exclusions][naming] wrap-flow: maximum | minimum

[css-extensions] rename to prevent confusion with proprietary extensions

[css-flexbox] definite sizes & "width:auto" inside of a block

[css-flexbox] inconsistent wording for definite sizing

[css-flexbox] interactions of percentages with min-height: auto

[css-flexbox] what's a "definite main/cross size" exactly?

[css-fonts] Conflicting tags in font-feature-settings

[css-fonts] local() definition missing

[css-fonts] Some properties may be shorthand for new ones.

[css-fonts] Typo

[css-forms][css-ui] Styling native components, a proposal

[css-grid] 'auto' track min-sizing

[css-grid] Editorial nit: broken coloring & unbalanced quotes in title of

[css-grid] editorial: flex item/container typos

[css-grid] editorial: typo in 14.1

[css-grid] Far too much going on in section 1.4

[css-grid] Flowing items within columns/rows

[css-grid] fr units and minmax() mins

[css-grid] grid-gap and abspos

[css-grid] grid-template removal

[css-grid] Implied minimum size and border,padding & margin

[css-grid] On cells occupied by named grid areas and auto-placement algorithm

[css-grid] What is the definition of "last baseline" for a Grid container?

[css-grid] Why only <length>s in *-gap?

[css-images] Syntax for image() incorrect?

[css-inline] is it possible to set "min-line-height"?

[css-lists] Allow counter() to be used where numeric values are expected

[css-position] events for position sticky

[css-position][css2] Behavior of an abspos child of a block splitting a relpos inline

[css-pseudo] Need a way to styling the disclosure triangle of the <details> (or <summary>) element

[css-round][css-position] positioning offset property naming

[css-scoping] Cascading Order clarification for Shadow DOM

[css-scoping] Update ::slotted (section 3.2.3)

[css-size-adjust] Specifying text-size-adjust: <percentage>

[css-size-adjust] Specifying when text-size-adjust applies

[css-sizing] default object size for intrinsic sizes of replaced elements

[css-sizing] Why is fill-available not definite?

[css-snap-size] Use 'factor' as the term?

[css-snap-size][css-line-grid] Sub/superscript line height

[css-tables] New table specification in development, what the goals for this spec are

[css-text-decor] Update to account for sideways-lr/rl

[css-text] Shaping for break-all/word-break

[css-text] status of CSS Text Level 3

[css-transitions] interpolating animation of the 'order' property

[css-ui-4] -webkit-user-select

[css-ui] Allowing pseudo-elements on form controls when appearance:none

[css-ui] Editorial - outline stacking

[css-ui] Section Title Formatting

[css-values] Comments on Serialization of calc

[css-values] custom-idents and excluded keywords

[css-values] Serialization of nested calc()

[css-values] url(#frag) handling when base url changes

[css-values] ‘in’ unit is incorrectly hyperlinked

[css-values][css-writing-modes] ch and ic units

[css-writing-modes] editorial tweaking of text link (Appendix C)

[css-writing-modes] Re: Fwd: Is it possible to choose rotational direction of vertical script if I want to force them to display horizontally?

[css-writing-modes] text-combine-upright Applies to: non-replaced inline elements

[cssom-view] smooth scroll on focus()?

[cssom] Please review CSSOM 4. Selectors

[cssom] preferred order of shorthand props

[csswg] Agenda conf call 16-Mar-2016

[csswg] Agenda conf call 2-Mar-2016

[csswg] Agenda conf call 23-Mar-2016

[csswg] Agenda conf call 30-Mar-2016

[csswg] Agenda conf call 9-Mar-2016

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-01 Part I: Web Compat Challanges

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-01 Part II: Tables, Colors, Transforms [css-tables-3] [css-color] [css-transform]

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-01 Part III: Writing Modes, Line Grid [css-writing-modes] [css-line-grid]

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-01 Part IV: Overflow [css-overflow]

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-02 Part I: A report on research into automatic layout, CSS Text [css-text]

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-02 Part II: Round Display [css-round-display]

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-02 Part III: Behavior of contains:paint and overflow:clip, text-overflow and resize properties; CSS Text; Exclusions and bidi [css-containment] [css-text] [css-exclusions]

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-02 Part IV: Snap Points, bookmark-level: auto, Sizing [css-snappoints] [css-break] [css-sizing]

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-03 Part I: 2017 F2F Meetings, Scroll-linked Animations [css-animations]

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-03 Part II: Fill & Stroke on CSS Text [css-text]

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-03 Part III: SVG Text Issues

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-02-03 Part IV: CSS Masking, Filters, Gradients & Dithering, Investigation about JS API for Realizing Level of Details, Transitions and Animations, Matrices [css-masking] [filter-effects-2] [css-transitions] [css-animations]

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2016-03-02 [css-snap-size] [css-contain] [css-grid] [cssom] [css-font-loading]

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2016-03-09 [css-values] [css-writing-modes] [css-ui-4] [css-scoping] [css-grid]

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2016-03-16 [css-snappoints] [css-2015] [css-ui] [css-values]

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2016-03-23 [cssom] [css-values] [css-selectors] [css-2015] [css-exclusions] [mediaqueries]

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2016-03-30 [css-align] [css-shapes] [css-values] [mediaqueries]

[CSSWG][css-flexbox] Updated CR of CSS Flexible Box Module L1

[CSSWG][css-round-display] Updated WD of CSS Round Display Level 1

[CSSWG][cssom][cssom-view] Updated WD of CSSOM and CSSOM View

[idea] lighweight inline vector images in CSS and HTML

[letter-spacing] clarification needed

[mediaqueries] hover: on-demand

[mediaqueries] overflow-block/inline

[mediaqueries] status and moving forward

[mediaqueries] visibility past coarse pointers

[selectors] "combinator" definition doesn't mention ">>"

[selectors] Rewrote grammar in terms of the Value Definition Syntax

[selectors] Suggestion for :focus-ring pseudoclass

Allow auto-resize on iframe

Aspect ratio proposal: new units %w and %h

complex uses for variables in css

Feature Suggestion

Fwd: [css-color] wider/deeper colors

Fwd: Re: [css-forms][css-ui] Styling native components, a proposal

Hanging Punctuation Questions

inheritance from nonancestor

object-fit/view-box for element content

Towards a better testsuite

Unicode request for CSS property to control emoji style [I18N-ACTION-500]

width(<percent>) and height(<percent>) functions

Last message date: Thursday, 31 March 2016 23:14:46 UTC