Re: [css-forms][css-ui] Styling native components, a proposal

On Mon, Mar 21, 2016, at 07:33 PM, Lea Verou wrote:
> Problems with standardizing a solution
> ——————————————————
> The internal implementations of these components are vastly different on different UAs and platforms. E.g. a calendar widget on Mobile Safari is completely different than a calendar widget on Chrome Desktop. Therefore, using the shadow DOM piercing combinator and targeting specific elements (e.g. video >>> input[type=range]) is flimsy, not to mention that browsers need to be free to change their internal representations. 
> Most importantly, *not every part that authors want to style is part of the shadow DOM*. For example scrollbars or resizer widgets are not.
> Efforts to standardize which parts are exposed or which properties are allowed by explicitly defining them [3] is bound to become a lowest common denominator solution and not actually address authors’ use cases. Standardizing pseudos on a case-by-case basis (e.g. :placeholder-shown, ::placeholder, 

Seems like this paragraph got cut off?

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Received on Sunday, 27 March 2016 05:07:03 UTC