Re: [css-page | css-box model] margin-inside / margin-outside

Hei fantasai,

Am 30.06.2016 um 00:25 schrieb fantasai:
> On 06/29/2016 08:45 AM, wrote:
>> Hello Christin,
>> That, to me, sounds like something that can currently be achieved 
>> using the Paged Media Module.
>> See and further.
> Well, that will let you control the page margins differently,
> but if you want to control margins of an element within the
> page, you're out of luck.

This is what I want! (to control margins of an element within the page)

> We do plan to add this feature in a future level of CSS Scoping
> using a ::page(<page-selector>) pseudo-element; however it's
> not a top priority at the moment.

This is :/

Ok, I use PrinceXML or AHFormatter as renderer thus I know there are 
proprietary settings available to achieve the rendering I want.
But proprietary settings aren't a solution in long term view (in my 
opinion). Thus, it would be great if this issue get a higher priority ...


P. S. I added the topic to GitHub

Received on Thursday, 30 June 2016 06:06:47 UTC