[css-fonts] Feature resolution and caps synthesis conflicting


consider the following example:

span {
font-variant-caps: all-small-caps;
font-feature-settings: "smcp" 0, "c2sc" 0;

https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts/#feature-precedence says that at
font-variant-caps should be take into account at precedence level 4,
however, at level 6 it is overriden by font-feature-settings.

The synthesis rules in
https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts/#propdef-font-variant-caps describe that
if none of the native features are available, all-small-caps should be
synthesized by upper-casing the text and downscaling the font.

However, what should be the exact definition of availability here, taking
into account the feature resolution?

The feature resolution can be interpreted in two ways:
1) It means it should deactivate/hide the available features in the font
and trigger synthesis since the resolved available feature set does not
have smcp and c2sc, or alternatively,
2) no synthesis is done since the feature detection has determined that the
features are available and should be enabled through font-variant-caps, but
then are deactivated through font-feature-settings.

Opinions? What should happen in this case -


Received on Friday, 1 July 2016 09:09:53 UTC