Re: [css-sizing] min-content for replaced elements with an aspect ratio

On 01/27/2016 11:51 AM, Christian Biesinger wrote:
> Oh. I hadn't actually tested it, this was based on an email
> conversation I had with Rego... I assume Gecko would also resolve it
> to 60px for a flexbox min-width: auto?

We should, but we don't right now (we resolve it to 100px).

Testcase for that:

I believe that's because the min-width:auto spec text about "transferred
size" has changed during the time since I resurrected Firefox's
'min-width:auto' implementation.  IIRC, it used to require that the
transferred size would trump the min-content size (and make the image
wider than its intrinsic size) -- but it no longer does.


Received on Wednesday, 27 January 2016 20:08:00 UTC