Re: [css-grid] Span to unknown named grid lines and implicit lines

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 8:46 AM, Manuel Rego Casasnovas <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've some doubts regarding what's the expected behavior when we place an
> item spaning to a unknown named grid line.
> The important text of the spec here is [1]:
> "
>   If a name is given as a <custom-ident>, only lines with that name
>   are counted. If not enough lines with that name exist,
>   all implicit grid lines are assumed to have that name
>   for the purpose of counting this span.
> "
> So, let's use some examples to explain the issues. I'm attaching 2
> images for each issue with the different options A) and B). I hope they
> help to understand the issues.
> Issue 1: Imagine that we've a 1-column grid:
>   grid-template-columns: 100px;
> And that we place an item using:
>   grid-column: span bar / 2 foo;
> Initially we've just 1 column:
>   |  1st  |
> First it resolves "2 foo", which creates 2 implicit tracks on the right:
>                 [foo]   [foo]
>   |  1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |
> Then it resolves "span bar", and here we've 2 possible options.
> 1.A) According to "all implicit grid lines are assumed to have that name".
>   So it should consider the implicit tracks already created on the right
> in the previous step.
>                   [foo]   [foo]
>                   [bar]   [bar]
>     |  1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |
>   Then it doesn't need to create any implicit track on the left.
>   The item should only take 1 column, the 3rd one.
> 1.B) It creates 1 implicit track on the left:
>   [bar]                  [foo]   [foo]
>     |  -1  |  1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |
>   So the item takes 4 columns, from -1 to 3rd (both included).
> IMHO, and with the current text in the spec the right answer is 1.A).
> However this leads to the next issue.

Good question! I imagined that the answer would be 1A, but I'm happy
to clarify it to 1B to match Firefox, as this is just a question of
nailing down an error case and the actual behavior doesn't matter.

> Issue 2: Imagine that in the previous 1-column grid, we set the name
> "line" for the last line:
>   grid-template-column: 100px [line];
> And we place an item with:
>   grid-column: -5 / span line;
> In this case we've enough lines to match "span line" (so the text quoted
> above doesn't apply).
>                              [line]
>   |  -3  |  -2  |  -1  |  1st  |
> So the item takes 4 columns, from -3 to 1st (both included).
> But what happens if an item has:
>   grid-column: -5 / span 2 line;
> So we've 2 options again:
> 2.A) In this case and according to "If not enough lines with that name
> exist", we should consider all the implicit lines to have that name:
>   [line] [line] [line]         [line]
>     |  -3  |  -2  |  -1  |  1st  |
>   So the item takes 2 columns, from -3 to -2 (both included).
>   Note that the item with "span 2 line" would be smaller than the item
> with "span line"!
> 2.B) If we follow a similar approach to 1.B) we'll be creating an
> implicit line on the right:
>                                [line]  [line]
>     |  -3  |  -2  |  -1  |  1st  |  2nd  |
>   So the item will take 5 columns, from -3 to 2nd (both included).

Yes, 2B does make more sense in this case, and makes me lean towards
1B in the previous case.

> Probably the best option is that we follow B) behavior in both issues 1)
> and 2).
> IMHO, if that's the case the spec needs some further clarification.

Sure. I'll consult with fantasai today.


Received on Tuesday, 19 January 2016 19:47:02 UTC