Re: Allow auto-resize on iframe

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 9:01 PM, Ojan Vafai <> wrote:
> If we do add ResizeObserver and it's ~5 lines of code to make this work, I'd
> be fine asking authors to do that. I'd also be fine with defining the
> max-content thing to work at ResizeObserver timing and implementing that.
> That actually avoids users seeing wrongly-sized iframes (because layout
> loops) and avoids the crash issues, but it means that offsetHeight on the
> iframe will sometimes give you a stale result.

I'm fine with speccing that.  A layout being observably stale is a new
thing for CSS, but it's fairly minor.

What are your thoughts on the MQ stuff?


Received on Friday, 19 February 2016 07:33:22 UTC