Re: [css-variables] Why so inefficient?

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 8:59 PM, Cameron McCormack <> wrote:
> fantasai:
>> I'm not convinced restriction is worth the cost. Imho a bare --foo
>> should be valid as a variable use. If fallbacks are needed, then they
>> can be provided with functional notation.
>> If I was designing from scratch, we could have
>>   width: --foo;
>>   width: fallback(--foo, 20px);
>> but failing that I guess
>>   width: --foo;
>>   width: var(--foo, 20px);
>> is fine.
> Yes, that is also what I’d do if designing from scratch. :-)
>  But as
> I mention at the bottom of that mail, you would need a way to mention
> custom properties without them expanding, for transition-property.

In other words, what I originally said - we already have several
places where you can provide custom idents, which would be
grammatically ambiguous with a variable reference. ^_^

The "provide One Way To Do It, unless there's a good reason"
philosophy is worthwhile for many reasons.


Received on Thursday, 18 February 2016 06:43:48 UTC